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About VixenMage






United States


When I'm not writing erotica I like to

roleplay - both online and up close and personal - collect old albums from the 70's and 80's, and watch really bad science fiction movies.

When I'm not reading erotica I like to read

humor books, mostly. I have a weakness for Garrison Keillor and Pat McManus... I love cheap fantasy novels, too. R.A. Salvatore is amazing.

My favorite word for "penis" is

todger, but I don't use it too much. "The Wild Bologna Pony" is a close second.

My favorite word for "vagina" is

cunny. And I do use that one a lot.

I write erotica because

I kinda get off on it. So sue me! Ever since I was a teenager, I've had really nasty sexual fantasies. Other writers don't really pander to them - at least not as I see them in my head - so I write them out myself. Incest is probably my favorite genre.

In conclusion, I am

a twentysomething, perverted, bisexual, somewhat geeky college student with a whole lot of ideas, a cheap computer that's three years out of date, a mildly severe case of ADD, and a massive green japanese sex toy that squirms around like a tentacle from


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