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About Rotinyourgrave








When I'm not writing erotica I like to

Write horror Stories, and drink....looooots of drinking.

When I'm not reading erotica I like to read

Stephen King novels

My favorite word for "penis" is

uh...I guess cock is standard, but "Stiff One Eye" is funny

My favorite word for "vagina" is

hahaha, I've always gotten a kick out of "Meat Hole" or "Beef Curtains"

I write erotica because

It is fun, and it is practice in writing all sorts of different things.

In conclusion, I am

A simple guy, I'll try to write the best stories I can and entertain all. If you l ike my stuff, tell me, if you think it sucks ass, tell me. But be nice on the last one goddamnit.


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