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About Impervious but exposed


Impervious but exposed

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Valerie cannot be harmed, but also has no personal space.


Exhibitionist & Voyeur


3rd Person Female

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05/15/13 12:10 PM





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Valerie has made a deal with some mysterious power. No-one can harm her; but she discovers that as a result, she can't wear anything which covers her breasts, her pussy, or very much of her body at all. And people are suddenly a bit feely around her. Nobody can easily concieve of the idea that Valerie has any reasonable expectation of privacy or personal space. Without thinking, people violate her personal space all the time: strangers only once in a while, and good friends/family very often. But while everyone can plainly see that she's naked (and might find it exciting), no-one can deliberately touch her in a way that she would find uncomfortable. Even thinking about it is hard: and so she cannot be hurt, raped, or forced to do anything. No-one can so much as hug her if she's uncomfortable with them. So while people unconsciously cop a feel now and then, it's only fleeting and accidental. Valerie had a a bit of an exhibitionist streak, and this is why the voice chose this trade-off. So while Valerie is one of the few people who realize that anything is unusual, she finds herself adapting fairly easily, and enjoying the situation, even though she is unnerved by the fact that her privacy and her personal space is no longer under her control. Even though Valerie (and certainly those attracted to women) occasionally finds her new situation sexually exciting, she's not a slut; she doesn't go around fucking everyone, even though she's somewhat compelled to do things in such a way as to expose herself to others in an exciting way. She might act on her excitement now and then, but only with people she trusts. And it isn't as though anyone else is magically exempt from society's standards of decent behaviour! Keep violence and swearing to a minimum; Valerie's life is now sheltered, by definition. This story is about everyday life, just with some of the usual borders removed.



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