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Weekend In An All Girls Dorm | tantrikenetic | 14


You didn't wake up until noon the next day. Ellen was gone to class, but Amy was there to greet you. You got some good, solid sleep and felt revitalized. You waited for Ellen to come back from class and three of you went out to lunch. You spent the day reminiscing with Ellen, which you hadn't had a chance to do yesterday, what with all the sudden porn. Amy sat by and listened to the two of you trade anecdotes. Ellen was laughing and in high spirits, which was great considering she was mood swinging through all of yesterday. It was great just to talk and it helped remind you why you like her so much; not just her hot body, but her personality too. It seems not everything changed here at Widley.

But time passed very quick and before you knew it, it was dark out again and you were surrounded by five women as you walked across the campas green. "So where are we going?" You asked.

"Well, you're nailing star athelete Marcie Brown tonight." Lynn said. Marcie licked her lips at you seductively. "So where do you think we're headed?"

"The Gymnasium?" You ask. The girls nod in unison. "Huh. That's pretty interesting. Aren't you worried about someome stumbling onto our little operation here?"

"Nope. They keep it locked at night. In fact, they closed up an hour ago." Ellen explained.

"Well, how are we getting in then?" You ask. Marcie just laughed and produced a pair of keys from her pocket.

"Ta-da!" She said triumphantly. "Behold the perks of not just being on the field hockey team, but also being the equipment manager."

"Yup." Amy chuckled. "With great power comes no responsibility."

"I see you are choosing to use your power for evil." You grin.

"That's right. Dark side, baby." Marcie winked at you. Soon, the six of you arrive at the gymnasium and Marcie walks up and unlocks the door. "Bingo!" She grinned. "No one's watching, right?"

"Coast is clear." Ellen confirmed. You and the girls push the door open and sneak inside. Marcie quickly locks it behind you. Shelley flicks on the lights to reveal a huge open gym area. There are gymnastic mats in one corner, a rock wall against one end, and a weight room on the other side. Various other tools, like chin-up bars and balance beams, litter the floor.

"Whoa." You say. "This is room is FULL of possibilities."

"Ooo, I see his dirty mind working." Amy laughed.

"Well, don't decide just yet. There's more to this gym than just this."

"Huh?" You ask. "More?"

"Why, yes." Lynn said, as if instructing a classroom. "We also have a nice indoor swimming pool, a rather robust shower/locker room combo, and an outside track and field area with bleachers and a tennis court."

"Oh, man...that's too many decisions to make. Marcie?" You ask. "Any preference?"

"I've always wanted some one to fuck me on one of these gymnastic mats and really put my yoga classes to work. Oh, but a water fuck in the pool would be nice too, with the cool water against our hot skin. Although a steamy shower scene would be hot too...I've masturbated in there when I'm all by myself thinking about getting taken in one of the shower stalls. But I'm a bit of exhabitionist too and I'd love to do it out on the track field too, under the stars..." She is now bright red and panting. She gets exhasperated and shakes her head. "Fuck it! I've wanted to have sex everywhere here! And I'm too horny to decide right now! You do it Scott!"

"Gee, thanks for the help." You sigh.

"Well, we're going to base the plot line on your choice." Lynn said. "We have options for each location, so it's a matter of what you would like."

"Yeah." Shelley intervened. "Where do you want to give Marcie a good fucking?"


Where should the scene take place? The gym, the field, the pool or the shower?

          Gym Action.


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