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Demon Girl | WaterMage | 5


After the long fall, I landed smoothly. The city was tempting, but I was nervous and wanted to learn more about where I was before I went there. Instead, I set off towards the jungle, hoping to find something useful there.

The foliage seemed to start almost immediately. It was thick and alien, too dense for me to fly through. I was forced to walk, picking my way through the plants. The atmosphere was hot and humid. he ground was wet and soft and warm, and not entirely unpleasant. Oddly, when I lifted a foot and wiggled my bare toes, I saw that they weren't at all dirty.

I had been in the jungle for what felt like ages when, suddenly, a tree branch high above me shifted, depositing a glob of slime which coated me. I gasped in disgust. The slime was viscous and gelatinous. It was a pale, transparent green. My attempts to get it off were fruitless, only coating my hands in the stuff. It was as warm as the rest of the environment. and tingled oddly against my skin.

Suddenly, I felt it shift, rippling against me. My eyes widened as it began to flow across my skin, undulating as it passed and leaving tingling trails. Given my last encounter, I wasn't surprised that it flowed down towards my crotch, sliding under my ragged skirt.

I gasped as the first of the stuff reached my pussy lips. Instinctively I stood on tip toe, trying to pull away from it. My wings flapped, lifting me into the air. It did no good of course. Suddenly, the slime thrust into me all at once, still pulsing and tingling, forcing me as wide as any cock had. If I hadn't been hovering, I would have fallen over at the burst of feeling that hit me.

When it had all flowed in me, it began to surge and shift. It was different the thrust of a man, a feeling unlike any I'd ever experienced before. I was already painfully aroused, my own liquids mingling with the substance that had invaded me as it pulsed and surged against my inner walls. I moaned, my wings flapping in time with the bizarre fucking I was receiving. Each flap sent a cool breeze across my skin which contrasted with the heat of my arousal.

I screamed as I came, unable to help myself. And, in the shudder of my climax, the liquid lost all animation. It dripped from between my legs like cum, diluted with my own juices. I prodded the pool with my toes, half hoping to stir it back to life, but it appeared to be ignoring me, having gone completely inert.

I was used to men fucking me and then falling asleep, but it was a bit startling in a demonic slime.

I shrugged, and began to clear the remaining gunk out of my cunt. Unsurprisingly, I soon got sidetracked, leaning against a tree as I rubbed myself into another, lesser orgasm. It was only then I looked around guiltily, wondering what else lived in this jungle and if anything had heard my ecstatic cries.


Has anything heard her?

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