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A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive | switch76 | 4


"You have no idea who I am, do you?" she asks.

"I don't even know who I am!" you reply.

She smiles and puts on her bra, "Let's sit down and I'll explain it all."

You both make your way to the bed and sit down.
She holds your hands reassuringly and says "Your name is . You're the head of a secret sex society called the Blue Dolphins. We have about 1 million members around the country. We've just sprung you from jail and don't worry about your memory, it will return in a few hours. You were given a drug to knock you out so you would be transfered out of prison to get medical treatment. The ambulance team were our members who brought you here. The temporary memory loss is just a side effect of the drug..."

"As is that," she says stroking your constantly very stiff dick through your clothing.

"Why was I in jail?" you ask.

"Well, the Blue Dolphins believe in freedom to sleep with anyone within the group and sexual experimentation. A certain judge didn't approve of our activities and had you put under surveilance. Some of the video footage revealed you fucking and getting a blowjob from his 18 year old daughter. He was furious and tried to get us shut down and you arrested. In the end all he could pin on you was a charge of tax evasion."

"Who are you and how do you fit into all this?" you ask.

"Well my name is Sophie and I suppose I'm second in command of the
society and your favourite sex partner."

"What do we do now?" you ask.

"Well we can go to a safehouse which belongs to 3 of the female members to hide. If you're up for it there is also a party at one of our 'play houses' to celebrate your escape. It's like a big house with lots of themed rooms and sex equipment. You'll be safe there and I can show you what our group does. Or if you like we can hide here for the next few hours and I can show you exactly why I'm your favourite."


What do you decide to do?

          Stay with Sophie.


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