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The Club Slut | kulit | 31


Lee was busy at work. Mainly doing most of the crap that Danielle was supposed to do but was now delegating to him. He was really fucked off that he had to do all of her work without the added salary and status.

That bitch was just fucking Mark and the other co-workers and he wasnt getting any pussy. It just made him frustrated. He was thinking of going and beating off during his next break if he ever got one.

Suddenly a message window flashed over the top of the spreadsheet he was doing.

'Lee I need you to come to my office immediately. - -
Your Boss,

'Now what the hell does she want' Lee thought to himself.


"Danielle you wanted to see me" Lee asked the coy half asian.

Danielle was wearing a vneck white button blouse and a red power suit.

Fuck well atleast she is trying to look the part now. He thought as he eyed up his bosses tits straining against the red blouse. He noticed she was breathing heavily and straining.

"Lee what the hell do you think your doing??" - Danielle demanded angrily.

"I dont know what your talking about" Lee replied, still puzzled on why the fuck Danielle had called him while he was doing her work, he thought it might be because he wants more work.

"No Lee. You know what I mean. Or you dont know" the young brunette questioned.

"I have no idea Danielle, what do you want?" he asked coyly.

"I'll tell you what..." She said. And then burst into a fit of rage "Lee things are different around her now im your boss, got that." Lee nodded.

"Right got that.. well firstly i wasnt very impressed how you tried to bumb me out when i made that joke to the co-workers. I found that comment really lacking in team spirit."

Oh shit Lee thought whats going to happen now.

"Tell me our you a team player do you want to continue working in this company" she demanded.

"Why dont i just fire your sorry ass??? tell me Lee?".

"I dont know" Lee replied.

"Ok" she said this time more calmly.

"This is what were going to do, since you embarrassed me in front of some of the office staff. Im going to humiliate you in front of the entire floor. Yes thats right Lee we are going to go out there and you are going to make a publicly apology and kiss your boss suit pant clad ass in front of the whole office." Danielle told him grinning after that a happier look on her face now.

"No Way. No frigging way. This is harassment. Danielle i could go to work place relations for this." Lee said.

"No Lee. You wont. What about the sexual harassment i had to put up with from you and Osman. That shit. Besides you'll lose your job as well" she said with a devious look on her face.

"Ok Danielle you win" Lee said.

Im going to enjoy this the brunette boss said. Danielle and Lee left the office.

"Ok I have has an announcement everyone" Danielle said
"Lee as punishment for embarrassing me in front of co-workers is going to kiss my ass". Everyone in the office especially the men had horrified looks on their face. Most of the woman giggled.

And then it happened "Lee put his lips to Danielle clad ass cheeks." Danielle stood with her ass facing the office so everyone could see Lee. Lee went bright red in anger and embarrassment. Everyone in the office roared laughing even the men. Some of them even had their cell phones out taking videos. Lee slinked back to his cubicle.

Danielle went back to her office thinking why stop with Mark i could continue to sleep my way up the corporate ladder.


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