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Dark Fantasia: Pleasurable Nightmares | mistress_alexia | 13


Nicoletta walked into the fellowship hall of the church. The room itself had high, vaulted ceilings, much like the sanctuary, only the floors were of a hard wood instead of carpeted. The wood grain was polished meticulously and long rows of matching wooden tables and padded chairs were set out for the reception dinner. While each of the tables had lovely laced white tablecloths and perfectly arranged floral centerpieces, the wedding party’s table at the head of the room was gorgeous, complete with a crystal and silver set of plates and goblets for the couple. A kitchen was tucked away to one side of the fellowship hall as caterers and volunteers added the finishing touches on the reception meal and festivities.

But what interested Nicoletta the most was a small hallway in the back of the fellowship hall. This hall lead to a few decent sized rooms for storage, props for church plays, and meeting rooms. One such room had been cleaned out and prepared so the bride and groom could change into street clothes before leaving the church. A three-seated red couch had been set up in the room for them to sit on, while a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and a cute yellow sundress had been set out, along with a small mirror and travel bag.

Remembering how her mistress had changed the look and the aura of the room when Nicoletta first became a succubus, Nicoletta tried it a few times just to make sure she could create the desired effect. The effort soon left her weakened, however, and she knew she had to capture her prey soon.

Carefully creeping out of the back room, Nicoletta stepped into the fellowship hall just as the wedding party and guests were being served. Nicoletta sat in a chair towards the back and daintily ate the offered food. While it did help build her energy somewhat, all she could think about was having her own party. The excitement and anticipation shivered through her body, causing her legs to tremble and her aroused state to build again. Slowly she licked her lips, both at the luscious crème brulee and at the moist, molten need filling her senses. It was at that moment she noticed the disapproving looks of an elderly couple sitting across from her. She smiled at them innocently as a bit of the dessert fell off her fork to the top of the breasts hugging against her gown. Nicoletta blushed with a mock embarrassment as she licked her fingertip carefully, then used the moistened member to gather the stray crumb and lift it back to her mouth so she could savour the last bite. The couple scoffed and moved to other seats as Nicoletta surveyed the room.

Most of the guests had finished eating and had risen to visit and mingle. Stacy was standing amongst some of her bridesmaids and school friends, laughing and gossiping, while Thomas and Michael were chatting with what appeared to be Michael’s father. The older man stepped away, leaving Thomas and Michael alone briefly. Nicoletta grinned as she licked her teeth, feeling her hunger develop into small fangs. But who to go after first?


Who does Nicoletta select first?

          Going for the hat trick


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