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Superman's Demise | superhunk08 | 8


Superman watched as the super henchmen recovered, surprisingly it seemed like they would make it up before him. While his super suit was in tatters, he saw they were all naked from the blast. Their super huge muscles boggled his mind, they were clearly bigger than Clark and hung like Super Stallions.

His own super cock twitched as he began to feel lust for the huge super studs... suddenly he heard a giant thud followed by the ground shaking and the blotting out of the sun ...

Clark looked up at the sillouhette of a super hulking man. As his eyes adjusted he saw the boss, mightily muscled legs slightly spread apart, a huge super cock bulging in his red speedos, his hands on his hips, a cobbled 10 pack followed by incredible bulging slabs of steel pecs straining the massive S on his chest. A cocky grin on his handsome face was followed by a bouncing of his super pecs. His silver hair contrasted with his Superman costume.

He reached down faster than Clark could see, and lifted the OLD superman by the throat in the air as he laughed. Using both of his arms Clark couldn't manage to pry this Super Duper Man's fingers apart. Frantically, Clark squirmed as he was lifted higher. Looking around he saw the other Supermen had recovered faster than he had expected and were all laughing at him as they stood in a circle surrounding their silver haired super leader.

Looking Clark over the Super leader whispered menacingly " Some superman, looks like you won't need this anymore!" and his eyes lit up as white powerful beams of heat shot out instantly incinerating the rest of the "indestructible" super costume. Squeezing Clark's throat tighter, the super leader nodded to his men and at super speed they all rocketed off to the fortress of solitude where the two Super women were waiting with Supergirl and Diana in similar positions as Clark.

Diana was bound with her own lasso, as the blonde she hulk was now dressed as Wonder Woman with the belt around her waist. Supergirl's costume was torn and tattered, and her super Asian counterpart was wearing the same outfit, but filling it out much better as she began spanking Supergirl and scolding her for fidgeting.

The silver haired leader grinned as his own massive cock hardened from this sight. He set Clark down and glared as he bounced his pecs. "You are no longer worthy of the title SUPERMAN, that belongs to me now!!!" He flexed as he shouted this too, while Clark cowered while to recover from his choke hold.


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