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School Canoe Trip Gone Bad | LordXorph | 4


"Wait!" said Morris, the most sensible of the three escapees.
Jenny and Priya breathed sighs of relief- maybe they weren't going to get raped after all.
"Aw, man!" said Jason, who had been eyeing Jenny's tender white flesh with anticipation. "What's the problem?"

"Listen, we've got no money, no clean clothes and no way of getting out of here except on foot. It'll be an hour, tops, before the cops start searching this area- probably sooner if anyone's noticed these juicy little bitches are missing- and you want to waste time fucking?" replied Morris.
Josh looked disappointed. "So, you want us to ditch the girls and run?"

Yes! Please please please! thought Priya.

"Hell no! I've got a better idea. Before I was jailed I had some contacts- some rich and powerful perverts who'd give a lot for two little fucktoys, especially the exotic one. I bet I could arrange passage out of the country and some spending money in exchange."

Josh and Jason looked at each other, considering this alternative. Jenny and Priya sobbed, not liking the sound of that at all.

Morris asked, "Well, what do you think. Try and sell them? If not, you two can do what you want with them but I don't let little Morris make all my decisions; I'm getting out of here."


What do Jason and Josh decide?

          Go with Morris's plan

          Jason decides his way is best


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