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Weekend In An All Girls Dorm | tantrikenetic | 8


Anxious as you were, nightfall came very quickly and you soon found yourself back in Ellen's room. Waiting there was a video camera on a tri-pod and some sound equipment. You blink in suprise. "Wow. Look at all this stuff. I was kinda suspecting a single handheld camcorder."

"Some of us have ties in the AV labs." Lynn said haughtily. "Okay! Is everything in place? How's the sound proofing?"

"Good!" Marcie gave a thumbs up as she closed up the holes by the door with some black material for muting noises.

"Exellent. And you two are primed and ready to go?" Lynn asked you and the redhead.

"Oh, I am more than just primed." Amy laughed. She slaps your butt hard. "How about you, sugar?"

"I guess so." You say. You feel a bit nervous. Hopefully, you can perform.

"Don't worry, babe." Amy grinned. "You'll be fine. I'll make sure you don't blow your load too quickly."

"That's...reassuring." You reply. You look over at Ellen, who was staring at both of you intently. She quickly looks away when your eyes meet. You want to ask her if something is wrong, but Lynn is in your face all of a sudden, demanding your attention.

"All right. So the scene; Scott is returning to his dorm room where Amy is waiting. She was recently dumped by her boyfriend and is emotionally fragile. She will be leaning on Scott for support and admits her deep feelings for him. Then comfort sex will ensue."

"Really?" You ask. "That's the plot?"

"Is there a problem?" Lynn asks.

"'s just that...well, two roommates who confess their hidden feelings for each other after one gets dumped? Doesn't that sound a little...contrived?"

"It's an erotic fantasy, not the next great American novel." Marcie interjects. "It's got sex and romance; best combination for this movie. Now quit stalling."

"Errm...okay." You say and take your position by the door. "What about a script?"

"Just ad-lib it." Lynn advises. "Then when you get to the sex, go to town. Nothing too kinky, though. That's for later scenes."

"Okay, I'm ready." Amy says and turns away from you facing the window on the far wall.

"All right then! Action!" Lynn says. Ellen moves the camera to face you and you realize the show is on. You take a deep breath and walk to the middle of the room.

"Hey, Amy." You say. "I'm back from-" You words trail off as Amy turns around and here eyes are full of tears. You look honestly shocked, which probably translates good on film. You shake off your suprise and get back into character. "Amy! What's wrong?"

"'s Lawrence." She mutters, sniffing back tears. "He...he dumped me tonight."

"What? That's horrible!" You exclaim.

"He found some tramp he liked better and he's dropped me like I didn't even matter." Amy sniffled, her voice trembling. You have to admit, she's a hell of an actress.

"Do you want me to go kick his ass?" You ask, clenching a fist. You see Marcie stifling a giggle from out of the corner of your eye.

"No!" Amy cries and wraps her arms around you tightly. "Please don't leave me alone tonight!"

"Okay." You nod. "If that's what you want, I'll be here." You kiss her forehead softly. You think you here a muffled 'awwww' from one of the other girls.

"Thank you." Amy whisperes, just loud enough for the microphone to pick up. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Luckily, you don't have to worry about that." You reply, still hugging her close. Amy's fine breasts were pressed tightly against you.

"You have been such a good friend to me, Scott. You've been there for me for all of my worst moments." Amy says, burying her face in your chest.

"You mean a lot to me, Amy." You say. This feels very've imagined having a similar conversation as this with Ellen. "I'll never abandon you."

"Never?" She asks, looking up at you. You shake your head and she smiles warmly. She plays the pasrt very well; you could swear she is actually falling for you. " mean a lot to me too, Scott." You hear some sniffling from the direction of the camera. Is Ellen...crying? You two must be doing an even better job than you thought!

"You know..." Amy continues, pulling away a bit. "...I never loved Lawrence. I liked him a lot, but not love."

"No?" You ask.

"No...there was someone I cared about ever more. In a way Lawrence could never match." She gulps and looks up at you. "Scott...I've found that I have more feelings for you than I would readily admit..."

"Feelings? For me?" You ask.

"Yes. I can't help but fall for you, at least a little." She puts her hand on your chest.

"I...I have feelings for you too, Amy. Ever since we became roommates."

"Would it destroy our friendship if we...acted on those feelings?" Amy asked.

"God, I hope not." You reply.

"My heart is hurting so much." Amy confides finally. "I want you to set things right, Scott." She grips your arms hard. You waste no more time and pull her close and kiss her deeply. Amy responds enthusiastically, pressing her lips against yours. You can tell Amy is really getting into this. She wraps her arms around your neck and slides her tongue past your lips. Your hands settle on the smalle of her back and you press her close. Your tongues battle for supremacy in the intense liplock.

When she finally pulls away for air, Amy looks at you, panting. "Make love to me, please. Right here, right now." You can see out of the corner of your eye Marcie grinning and giving you a thumbs up.


Time for sex! How do you want to do it?

          Hot and Heavy!


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