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Leanne goes for a swim | homebrewer | 5


Leanne set off for one more length up and down the pool, while she worked out a tactic to get the life guard into conversation. She had been pushing herself hard, and on the way back felt a painful spasm in her foot. She recognised immediately it was the beginning of cramp, and was about to get worse. The spasm travelled up her leg, and she cried out in sharp pain. Leanne was able to touch the bottom of the pool but had to hobble her way back. This was embarassing. She had wanted to look effortlessly lithe in front of the life guard, and here she was like an unfit old woman.

Being in pain at the shallow end, though, had its benefits. The life guard had been watching her, and was now coming her way. Leanne decided to play the pain up a little, wondering if the sympathy vote might work.

"Are you okay, love?" the life guard said, a trace of Yorkshire accent in his voice. "I saw you might be in trouble."

"No. I think I might have pulled something," Leanne answered, hoping in fact that she was about to pull something.

"Well, get up here, and let me take a look." Leanne raised her bum onto the floor and pulled her leg out the water. The life guard took one of his large hands and squeezed Leanne's left calf.


How does Leanne react?

          Leanne legs up to her life


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