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Sibling Road trip | Ardunt | 8


I am driving, April between me and Jenny as we leave town. With a collective sigh we hit the highway and are on our way. No shows for leering people to watch, so our new found joy of one another can remain secret as it should be.

"April," Jenny begins, "why have you never left town before if you did not like it there?"

"I have tried twice before, once when I was 14 and again last year," she answers. "When I saw you two drive in and then knew what the manager had done to you at the hotel, I was certain we could get out together. Good thing too, because it was already known around town the new twins were going to become nightly entertainment."

"Son-of-a-bitch!" I exclaim, "I knew something was too good to be true about that set-up."

"You do not know the half of it my cute little boy," April says giving me that, you can fuck me anytime look.

"I have a question for the two of you now," April says as she lays her hands on both of our thighs. "Is it true you sucked your brother here off?"

Jenny blushes and I look away in answer.

"Shit, you two are way to wound up. Nothing wrong with good oral sex and at least you love each other."

"Yes," Jenny says, "I do love my little brother."

"From what I hear,"April says, "he is not exactly little."

Jenny blushes deeper this time thinking about how he fit so good in her, for the first time in her young life she knew what it felt like to be totally filled with cock. Even if it was her brother, she would never do anything to hurt him now. If anything she was starting to feel a little maternal about him in some strange way. Looking April over again she thought to herself she would even not mind it if this girl got a good lay from him, providing she was not caring some STD or something that is.

They were relaxed and chatting away when they passed the police car hidden behind the sign off the side of the road.

With siren wailing and tires throwing dirt he fish-tailed onto the highway after recognizing the APB that was given out an hour ago, for the three fugitives that just passed him.

"Oh shit!" I exclaim seeing the cop car coming up fast from behind.

"Damn-it all to Hell!" April says looking back behind her when we can hear the siren as he gets closer. You cannot out run him, this is the longest straightest section of road and that car is well maintained. I know, the last time I tried to get away, he is the one who pulled me over. We are about to meet Officer Danials."

Both my sister and I look at each other across the heaving boobs of April knowing we might actually be in way over our heads now.

Fighting my desire to flee, I slow down the car then pull over to the side of the road. Turning the engine off to conserve my gas I watch as the officer approaches. He is well over six feet tall and looks to be in excellent shape, his mirror glasses showing my own reflection while he keeps his hand on his pistol butt. His teeth are perfect and his tan shows lots of time in the sun as he puts his large hands on the door leaning in a bit.

"I was hoping you were going to try and out run me boy," he says with a flourish.

"No sir, I am a law abiding person," I tell him, "I do not even have any tickets or anything."

"By the numbers now people", Officer Danials says, "I want you each to get out of the vehicle one at a time. I will frisk and read you each your rights, cuff you and put you in the cruiser. No one comes out of the vehicle until I say so. Do you understand how this is going to play out here?"

"Yes sir" both Jenny and I say in unison.

"Cute," he says as he steps back leveling his gaze on me.

"Okay boy, you first," he says his hand still on the butt of the weapon as if I am some hardened criminal and he wants me to dare him to pull it out and shoot me.

I push the door open and step out of the car. He takes me to the cruiser and with my back to the girls he pushes my face down onto the hood of his car which is hot and stings some as he reads me my rights.

"You got any guns, knives, needles or contraband on you boy?"

"No sir."

Then he is frisking me, his hands moving expertly down my torso in my pockets, and it feels funny when he cups my ass as if he is measuring it for something, then to my amazement and horror he jerks my fly down and opens my jeans thrusting his hand into my underwear his leather gloves gripping my cock and feeling it. Without warning my hands are jerked back as he lets my cock go leaving it hanging out as he snaps cuffs on my wrists painfully and pushes me around the car into the back

"I am going to leave the doors open boy, so do not make a run for it."

"Yes sir," I say thinking not with my jeans open, they would just fall down and I would trip anyway.

Next I watch April come out and he slides his hands slower up and down her body, even lifting her top and flashing me her bra encased tits before he pops them out getting a good feel for them. Just as he did with me, he undoes her shorts and exposes some hair and grins, but from this angle I cannot see more than a slight bush as he puts her in the front of the cruiser.

"No need crowding you all in now is there?"

"Bastard," she spits as she watches him go and get Jenny.

Again, he pushes her to the front of the car and like April, he exposes her tits, such lovely tits I think though my anger is growing now as I search for a way to protect my sister knowing there is nothing I can do. When he slides his hand in her shorts, I see her blanch and his finger comes back wet, the glove glistening where his finger obviously entered her. Was she turned on by all this?

My sister is thrust in the back with me after her rights are read to her and we all sit there silent, April looking over the back of her seat and admiring my hanging out cock now half hard. "You better try and hide that," April says with a grin, "Officer Danials does not like guys who are bigger than him and you are not even hard and you are."

Officer Danials searches the car going slow through the trunk and the glove box before he comes back and radios for a tow truck.

"Let's get you to the jail so we can discuss why you are in my vehicle," he says. "Unless any of you ladies want to plea bargain with me first?"

"Fuck you!" April says.

"Now, now April, you have already done that right?" he says with a smirk of glee on his face. "When you made your first get away and then last year. I sure like getting you. Have you shown them your surprise yet?"

"Shut up!" she yells putting her head down in shame.

Jenny and I look at one another wondering what he could mean.

The tow-truck arrives and hooks up the car, the one we saved for and paid for and in the process puts a dent in the driver side front quarter panel. "Tell him to be careful with my car," I protest.

When the tow-truck driver turns and gives me his near toothless grin I figure I should shut up.

As the car is towed behind the tow-truck back to the town we just fled I feel a sinking sensation in my guts, my balls shriveling some as I think there is nothing we can do on our own, dad must have been right and now we would be forced to call him when we get our one phone call.

Officer Danials gets tired of the slow pace of the tow-truck and speeds past the four barrel carburetor kicking in as we slide into the soft leather seats when he accelerates.

When we get to the jail house outside stands the old man from the hotel and he says, "Yup those are the guys," to the Chief of Police an Officer Lukins.

Without preamble we are lead into the jail house, the girls put in one cell and me alone in the other.

Officer Lukins walks over to the cells and says, "I am sorry kids, but the Justice of the Peace will not be here until tomorrow afternoon. At that time we will bring you up on charges and you can make your call."


Nobody knows the trouble I've seen?

          Act 1 Scene 1


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