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Simon Says | Ardunt | 10


You rise up out of the bed and look at the clock. "Time to spare," you think to yourself as you dress and leave for the test. Arriving at the study hall you see the professor at the podium. She's not bad looking. She's tall and slim, with dark auburn hair pulled into a bun. Her skin is milky white, with a perfect complexion, with full red lips. Her breasts aren't particularly large, but you've often suspected they were nice and firm. She is wearing a business suit of gray with silver thin stripes making her appear taller still as you take the front row seat.

"Simon," she addresses you while handing you the test. "You will have exactly 45 minutes," she announces going over to the door and locking it to make sure there are no interruptions."

"You may begin," she says clicking the timer on the podium down which emits a ticking sound.

You fly through the test, the extra day all you needed to get a passing grade over what you would have had if you were to actually take it on the day of the test. With five minutes to spare you close the test and lay your pencil down on the desk looking your professor over again.

She really is a wet-dream you think to yourself as you study her mouth with just the right shade of red on her lips. The severity of her hair being pulled back creates the illusion she likes her hair pulled during sex you fantasize before you notice that she is standing in front of you tapping your desk.

"Have you completed the test?" she asks.

"Yes ma'am," you say reflexively.

"I will post your grade with the others on Friday then," she says to you, taking your paper and tucking it into a briefcase.

"Professor," you say standing up.

"Yes Simon," she says a little more irritable as she turns off the timer.

"Show me your tits," you tell her.

"Yes Simon," she says undoing the buttons on her suit top and then her buttons on her shiny silver blouse. With a sigh she opens her blouse and reaches behind her and undoes the clasps holding her tits tightly to her chest. Finally she lifts her bra cups up and her tits fall out of them with a jiggle as they are rather firm.

"Anything else Simon?" she asks while struggling with why she just broke one of her cardinal rules of being too intimate with a student.

Reaching a hand out, you touch her right tit and she slaps your hand, "Simon!"

"You want me to touch your tits," you tell her.

"Touch them please Simon," she pleads the nipples rising on their own and puckering the flesh under them.

Again, you reach your hand out and you fondle each breast as if they are something special enjoying the smoothness of them, the natural feel of them in your hand. Rubbing a thumb over a nipple you hear her body betray her. As much as you want to take advantage of her here and now, you know others will be wanting this room in less than 15 minutes and that will not be enough time. Remembering that you do not need to actually be in their presence when you give an order you smile and ask, "Professor, could you please give me your phone number?"

"I would be glad to," she says holding her hand out. Then giving her your phone you watch her enter her phone number. "Call me anytime you need my help Simon," she tells you when she hands you the phone back.

"Put your clothes right Professor" you tell her.

She immediately puts her tits back in her bra by bending down and covering them with the bra, then fastens the back strap before re-buttoning her blouse and coat. The professor walks over to the door and unlocks it, gives you a strange look as she knows she just did something with you but already is loosing focus on what it was.

Ms. Sota walks in and looks around. She is the new lecturer from Thailand and scheduled to speak later in the morning in this room.

"Hello," she says stepping in as you put your phone back in your pocket.

"Hello," you say to her taking in her small form. You cannot believe she is not even five foot tall, her long black hair falling to her hips at the back and her face soft and almost child-like without much of a figure. Though her eyes seem to radiate experience like nothing else.

"Can you help me?" she asks you.

"Maybe," you answer still taking her in.

"Are you not from the Audio-Visual Department?" she asks.

"No, I am just a student here," you answer.

"I need someone to help me with my lecture, would you be so kind as to help me?" she asks.

"What kind of help?"

Handing you a sheath of papers she says, "This is my lecture. If you could help I would appreciate it. You see sometimes I get off track because I enjoy sharing all I know with the students. So if you see me tap my cheek like this." She taps her cheek with one finger showing me what she means. "Tell me the next two words that I am supposed to say."

"I can do that for you Ms?"

"Oh my pardons, I am Miss Sota."

"What time is your lecture?" you ask her.

"Not until after dinner time, if we could meet at four this afternoon for a practice?"

"I will be here," you tell her.

"Thank you," she says as you walk out with the lecture notes she provided to you.


Where do I go until the lecture?

          A Moment of Madness


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