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Demon Girl | WaterMage | 3


It was hard to judge time, but I guessed I’d been walking – or rather skidding along just above the ground using my wings to hold me up, which seemed more natural – when I felt something grasp my ankle. I looked down, and gasped.

A red tentacle had emerged from a nearby hole in the ground, and was now holding me securely. It was slimy, but pleasantly warm, and its grip was firm. As I tried to break loose, more tentacles emerged. One grabbed each of my wrists, and forced my hands behind my back, while another quested towards my hips. I was torn. On the one hand, I wanted to escape, but on the other, I was getting quite aroused. I’d always been a slut for bondage, and I was a fan of tentacle manga. I’d always wondered what it was like, and here was a chance to find out.

Before I had a chance to make up my mind, the tentacle had slipped under my skirt. I instinctively tried to kick out at it, but as soon as me feet left the ground the thing yanked me up be my wrists, so I was helpless. Furthermore, my ill-conceived movements had spread my legs, and the tentacle took this opportunity to ram itself into my pussy.

I gave a yelp as it speared into me, pistoning back and forth. It felt amazing; not the best sex I’ve ever had, but it was close. I began to moan, unable and unwilling to do anything. My first orgasm rushed upon me, and I grinned in anticipation of many more.

I was to be disappointed. My spasming cunt provoked a strong reaction from the three tentacles. They began to twitch and jerk, and finally shot out huge bursts of cum. The tentacles around my wrists their shots arcing over the barren soil, but the one inside me sent up a burst that was stronger than any of its previous thrusts. I screamed in ecstasy. Then, the tentacles dropped me unceremoniously and retracted into their hole.

Already building up to another orgasm, I was unable to do anything except finger myself until I came again. Then, after waiting to see if the tentacles would re-emerge, I sighed, wiped the cum from my pussy (licking my fingers afterwards) and walked on.

I was perplexed on a number of issues. This was obviously meant to be hell, but if that was a preview, it wasn’t going to be all that bad. I mean, I had known girls who would have felt that the constant risk of rape by tentacle monsters would be horrible. I’d even bedded a few of them. But for me, it seemed a quite pleasant prospect.

Ok, I’m a slut. I though St Peter had made that clear.

Also, after the brutal fucking I’d just had and being dropped on the ground, I knew I should have more than a few aches. But I felt fine. Far from Hell, this seemed pretty cool.

Still, in the absence of more tentacle monsters I’d need to find something else to amuse me. Also, I wanted some change of clothing, and some idea of what to do now. And some panties, although the warm air on my drying pussy was not unpleasant. And a dildo – a big one. Of course to get those things I would probably need to use my… wiles. I shivered with pleasure at the thought.


A landmark in hell...

          A cliff top view


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