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Absolute Power | BenjiDude | 18


You decided to help the girl who needs it most, Madison is more than capable of looking after herself and you’re pretty sure that Liza would be fine, so that just left little Val.

You look over to Val and take in her figure; small breasts, not much in the way of curves and short, probably not more than 5’0”. Thick black rimmed glasses encased her face and her blonde shoulder length hair completed the look, “Yep” you say to yourself confirming your choice, “Time to make little Val powerful” you add as you start to think about the changes you want. You start with a little modification to her personality making her more confident, as a by-product her outfit changes. Her glasses change from thick black rimmed glasses to something thinner and more sexual, then her clothes change from her usual loose fitting attire (which is drab even after reducing sexual inhibition to nothing) to a tank top and short skirt complete with 3” heels. You notice that Val is now sitting much more upright with confidence.

Next you make her taller, using your powers to find out her actual height of 4’8” and watch with glee as her clothes get a little tighter as she grows taller. You decide that you want her to be taller than most people but not ridiculously tall settling on adding 2’ in height, making her stand 6’8” without heels. The whole landscape of the room has changed now as Val dominates the area around her, she stands out from the crowd, you even notice a few of the guys eyeing her up but your not finished yet, there is still more to be done to Val to make her the powerful, confident woman you want her to be.

You decide to improve perhaps the most obvious part of Val next, her figure, all powerful woman have had great bodies that they’ve shown off when ever possible. So you start to add some curves to her figure, making her hips wider, the waist narrower and her bust larger, you decide to make her the most curvaceous girl in school, even outshining Madison. Val’s new large bust sexually straining her tank top and no sign of a bra and her large wide child bearing hips which sexually slide into nice long legs, taking in her new figure you feel your member start to get excited, as you look around you spot more guys checking her out, along with a few of the girls. You smile evilly as you spot Madison looking at Val lustfully.

You did want her to be powerful, while she does have a degree of power in her new form, she wouldn’t last long in a fight, or a struggle for that matter. So you focus on her strength next, lightly bulking up her muscle mass, your breath catches slightly as you see her legs firm up, calf muscles showing from wearing heels and the slightest hint of strong biceps. The sight of her muscle developing right in front of you gets you more wound up than ever before so you add some more muscle to the girl watching intently as Val’s body swells with added strength, more muscle groups appearing as her skin gets tighter. You look around the class to see how people treat the new Val, the girls carry on as they did before, some stealing glances, most ignoring her but the men seem more scared of her, gone is the more open ogling replaced with sly stolen glances.

Excited by the power you’ve given this unassuming girl you carry on, bolstering her mass with more power, more muscle as Val starts to look like a female athlete solid thighs and large shoulders with well toned arms, her biceps apparent no matter her pose. You look at her and feel incredibly turned on, the other boys in the class appear to be sitting further away from her, their seats filled by the other girls, the guys are actually afraid of her now. You almost feel like you could take her right there in the middle of the classroom.

The question is though, do you take her? Or give her more power?


Do you take her in the classroom or give her more power?

          Pump her up some more

          More powerful and more desirable


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