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Good Girl Forced Bad | daregirls21 | 25


Needing to cry for real once she got the library she excused herself again and ducked into a quiet corner.

Then her cell phone rang.

"I see your in the library. Here's what I'd like you to do. Sometime before class is over you need to sneak into the copy
room and make 25 copies of your breasts. Then leave them in the room. While you are making the copies I want one of your fingers in your pussy, and one inside your ass. "

"What the hell!" Julie cried out. "Please don't do this. I don't even have any change!"

"Don't argue or I'll make you include your face and take off your pants. Good luck!"

Julie looked over to the small room that contained the four copy machines. At least it was secluded she thought. Thank god for small miracles.

Then she scanned the room for someone to borrow some change from.

Somewhere in the back of her mind she thought that she hoped he tired of this game before gym class.

Her first task was to get money for the machine. 25 copies, at 7 cents a copy was $1.75. So two dollars. She wasn't particularly good friends with anyone in this class, but there was the nerdy girl Katie who was generally friendly...

Twenty miniates later Julie was getting desperate. She had asked everyone in the class who was at all friendly, including the teacher and gotten nowhere. It was after lunch and either nobody had any cash, or they wouldn't loan it to her. What the hell? "How bad can my luck be?" she thought to herself.

The easy targets down, she decided to focus in on the group of jocks in the corner. They were laughing at each other and throwing paper back and forth. Unlike the nerds, she knew they had money, but she also knew they didn't care much for her one way or the other. If they said no she'd be out of luck.

Hating herself for it, she ducked back between the bookshelves and pulled down her shirt, showing off as much cleveage as possible.

She came around the corner, steeling herself for it, and leaned down on their table, giving everyone a view. "Hey boys, could one of you loan me a couple of bucks?"

Everyone stopped talking for a second, taking in this mysterious girl they had all ignored the entire year.

"Yeah sure" said a short one with brown hair.

"Wait a second" said the tallest one, Julie knew his name. He was Ronnie, and he was on the basketball team. Not the head player, but he was a notorious class clown.

"What'll ya do for the money?" he said with a teasing grin.

"Come on now guys" said Julie, trying to play it off as a joke.

"Tell ya what. A dollar for each tit" said Ronnie.

Julie was smart enough to know what the problem was. She'd pushed them too far. If she hadn't flirted they would have ignored her, like usual. But now that she was flirting, they were treating her like the airhead sexpot cheerleaders they normally dealt with.

But she had no choice, she needed that money!

"Fine" she said with reluctant wink. She looked thought about dragging them back into the stacks but class was almost half over and she just wanted this over with, so she looked behind her and saw that nobody was paying attention. Quickly she pulled down her shirt to reveal her breasts.

They felt cold in the air, and she blushed involuntarly. She tried to pull her shirt right back up, but it got stuck on her breast, and it took and extra, horriable second.

The guys all began to hoot, and the first guy shoved the dollars down her shirt. She ran away with them chuckling in the background. What had she gotten herself into.

Breathing hard, hidden in the stacks again, she stared at the copy machines, planning her next move.


How does she do it?



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