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A New Dawn | Ooohkitty | 3


Dawn turned to see a tall blonde pulling out the seat next to her. She watched her reach down and pick up a smoke and then snap the Zippo lit. Dawn couldn�t take her eyes away as the woman inhaled deeply and then let the smoke roll out past her darkly colored lips.

"Can I help you?� the blonde said softly.

Dawn shook her head. She hadn't realized that she was staring until the other woman spoke.

"Sorry I just... I just... never mind... sorry." Dawn said, embarrassed, as she turned and looked down at her bottle. Slamming the rest of the beer down, she began to slowly peel off the label.

"It's okay," the woman said softly. �So who are you trying to forget?"

"Come again" Dawn said.

"Well there are only two reasons for a woman like you to drink beer that fast. Since you don�t look much like a cheerleader at a keg party, I�m assuming you�re trying to forget something. Or someone. I�m guessing it�s a someone."

Dawn just kept peeling off the label. She had heard enough bar advice in her life. Hell this is where she had met Quentin and it was her best friend who has suggested she �go for it.�

"I'm going to judge by your silence that I hit the bull's-eye."

Still Dawn kept quiet but this time turned to look at the blonde. She watched her take another drag off her cigarette and push some hair out of her face. Dawn couldn�t help thinking that the blonde hair was very pretty. It was cut just at the shoulder and parted in the middle so that it framed her face in a wonderfully beautiful way.

"Well let me say just one thing to you. 'Relationships are like Rome. Difficult to start out, incredible during the prosperity of the 'Golden Age', and unbearable during the fall. Then, a new kingdom will come along and the whole process will repeat itself until you come across a kingdom like Egypt...that thrives, and continues to flourish. This kingdom will become your best friend, your soul mate, and your love," the tall blonde said, her attention drifting into space.

"Wow, did you make that up yourself?" Dawn asked.

"No, it�s a quote by Helen Keller."

"You mean the blind chick?"

"Yeah. The blind chick."

Just then the bartender walked up and asked if Dawn wanted another beer.


Does Dawn stay and chat?

          "I'll have what she's having."


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