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A New Dawn | SparkyMan | 2


Dawn reluctantly pulled out of the driveway. She secretly hoped Quentin would come chasing after her, yet she didn't really want to deal with his anger anymore. She had had enough. The tears began flowing as soon as she left the driveway. She was gone! It was over!

Dawn drove around for nearly an hour, meandering through side streets as she continued wiping the waterfall of tears that cascaded over her cheeks. It wasn't until an hour had passed that she began realizing she couldn't cry anymore. Looking through blurry eyes, she also realized that she had no clue where she was, nor where she was going. Panic began to set in as she tried to find familiar sites, or familiar street signs. Dawn decided that rather than drive in circles; her best bet was to continue in a straightforward direction. Eventually, she knew, she would find something familiar, or at least a marked highway.

True to her senses, Dawn came upon a marking for the local interstate. Still without a clue of where she was, she decided to head north. Once upon the interstate, she realized she was close to her parent's home. Dawn contemplated returning home for the night, and figuring out her life in the morning. It was the only option Dawn felt she had available to her as she took the exit ramp.

As much as Dawn dreaded leaving Quentin, she equally despised going home to Mom and Dad. She knew what their reaction would be to her being there. They had vehemently opposed Dawn moving in with Quentin. They did not approve of him, or his lifestyle. They had fought with Dawn tooth and nail when she told them of her plans. Dawn had betrayed her parents when she packed up her meager belongings and escaped in the middle of the night. The only thing she left behind was a note that essentially said she wanted nothing to do with them, since they weren't giving her their blessings.

Dawn wondered how they could have been so right about Quentin. They didn't even know him like she did and yet they were still right. Dawn had obviously been blinded by lust.

Dawn remembered that one of her high school friends, whom had recently been married, lived two blocks away. Michelle was a close friend! Dawn had even been one of her bridesmaids. Dawn recalled that day, and how much fun all the girls had. She even giggled to herself as she drove through her old, familiar neighborhood, recalling how all the girls, secretly, had not worn panties under their gowns. Dawn remembered how all the girls teased each other, grabbing at their tits, just to see if they could make their nipples poke through the satin tops. That was such a fun day! Dawn figured she could probably stop there.

There was also Mark's! Dawn could probably crash in at Mark's place. Mark had always had a crush on her, and had always hinted at developing a relationship with her. Dawn liked having Mark as a friend. She never saw Mark as anything more than that. She never felt the lustful urges with Mark, that she had felt with her recent failures. Another problem was that Mark still lived with his parents, and that was such a turnoff for Dawn, especially now that she wasn't living with her own parents.

Julie was Dawn's last option. Julie was another close friend. The only problem with Julie was that she was openly gay, and made no secret about wanting to get Dawn into bed with her. Dawn remembered "experimenting" with Julie several years back. That time it was only touching and feeling each other while they were sitting naked, across from each other. It felt okay at the time, but the more Dawn thought about it, the more scared she became. The two had even gone so far as to share a sensual kiss. Dawn never pursued the events any further, while Julie had made it her lifestyle of choice.

Dawn had finally decided where to go.


Where has she decided to go?

          To Julie's place.

          Dawn goes home and prays to Jesus.

          To go home to pray to God.

          Dawn goes home and prays to Jesus


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