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Cut Off | cretan_bull14 | 1


Mackenna Winston’s life was filled with luxury and splendor. The youngest daughter of a wealthy New York land developer, she wanted for nothing. Anything she desired, her father, or his money, bought for her. She was “Daddy’s Little Girl” and whatever she asked for, she got. For sixteen years, she was a princess who could do no wrong. However, as she inched closer and closer to her eighteenth birthday, she became a wild child.

Her change in behavior was not a sudden one, like some of today’s Pop Divas. It was gradual, but noticeable to all, including her father. At first, he merely paid to have her antics swept under the rug. First, it was a fight at school with a girl who lived in the ghetto. Mackenna and a bunch of her friends went into the city one day to celebrate her “Sweet Sixteen.” The day ended with Mackenna being charged with assault by the girl’s parents. Her father stepped in and paid off the cops to make it look like the other girl was a gang member. Next came a week of ditching class. Mackenna was sent to one of the most expensive private schools in the state, and her father wasn’t going to have her throwing away his money. Instead, he shelled over some money to the Alumni Association and had the attendance officer fired for incompetence in his record keeping. Then, Mackenna started raiding her father’s wine collection, which contained bottles dating back to before America was even a country. He filed insurance claims on them and had them replaced. Her father considered these outbursts as part of growing up, and while he was upset with her behavior, she was still his “Little Girl.” Given his near-indifference, her behavior continued to increase. She was caught with marijuana while at the airport and was sentenced to ninety days in jail. That is until her father paid a hacker to install some illegal porn on the prosecutor’s computer and threatened to tell the media about it. On numerous occasions, he came home to find her screwing a boy from school or a member of the housekeeping staff. She stole a car from a dealership, and her father had a phony deed and bill of sale placed in their files. Countless other activities either “never happened” or had the facts twisted to take blame away from Mackenna.

Her antics carried on for over two years until one day, she was caught doing something that no amount of money could hide from public scrutiny. Just days after she turned eighteen, Mackenna cut school to hang out with her boyfriend Zach. He took her to his father’s vacation house in the Hamptons, where Mackenna Winston became the latest rich girl to be caught in a sex tape scandal. Her father was furious as countless websites showed the video in its entirety. The world especially loved the part where Zach came in Mackenna and a house maid licked it out of her. Of course he tried to make the tape disappear, but to no avail. In just over a week on the net, there were nearly 200,000,000 downloads of the thirty-eight minute tape.

Her father had no choice. He could not make this go away, so to avoid further embarrassment, he threw her out with only a few changes of clothes and barely enough pocket money to find a place to stay in the city. In a flash, her credit cards were canceled and tuition payments were stopped, her cars were sold and bank accounts drained, her room was turned into a large closet and she was struck from the will. All of her furniture was removed and the majority of her clothes and jewelry were given to the servants as hand-me-downs. As soon as she was out the front gate, the locks and access codes were changed, and all her pictures were taken down and burned. It was as if she had never existed.


How does Mackenna survive on her own?

          She becomes a hooker

          Religion Discovers Her


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