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Olympian wrestling between the Gods. | Carrothead | 1


The year 776 b.c is known as the first ancient Olympic Games by the Greeks. But archaeologists have found out that two years earlier, in 778 b.c. some kind of wrestling competition was created at Mount Olympus. The cause of this wrestling fight was the discussions betweens de gods and the goddesses, which gender was the strongest.

And so there is one of the sports : ancient wrestling. Which means wrestling naked in a sort of amphitheatre. Unlikely the next Olympic Games, women were allowed to participate and sexfights were allowed. The fights were handicapped, which means that only the bare hands and body might be used, and not the god’s “tricks”. Three mythological heroes participate in this tournament, because of their successes.

The participants are :

Male :

Zeus (Jupiter) - King of the Gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky, thunder, and justice.
Poseidon (Neptune) - Lord of the Sea; god of the seas, earthquakes, created horses.
Apollo (Apollo)- The Sun God; god of light, healing, music, poetry, prophecy, archery and truth.
Ares (Mars) - God of war, frenzy, hatred, and bloodshed.
Hephaestus (Vulcan) - Blacksmith to the Gods; god of fire and the forges.
Hermes (Mercury) - Messenger of the Gods; god of commerce, speed, thieves, and trade.
Eros – God of the lust and the desire
Hades - Lord of the Dead; god of the Underworld and earthly (gems and precious metals) wealth.
Eurus – God of the western wind
Hypnos – God of sleep
Hymen – God of marriage and marriage feasts
Notus – God of the south wind
Uranus - God of the heavens (Father Sky) and father of the Titans; banished the Cyclopes to the underworld because they did not please him.
Aether – God of the upper air
Perseus - Zeus' son, one of the greatest heroes in all of Greek mythology.
Morpheus – God of dreams.

Female :

Hera (Juno) - Queen of the Gods and of the heavens; goddess of women, marriage, and motherhood.
Demeter (Ceres) - Goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature, and the seasons.
Hestia (Vesta) - Goddess of the hearth and home
Aphrodite (Venus) - Goddess of love, beauty, desire, and fertility.
Artemis (Diana) - Goddess of the hunt, of maidens, and the moon.
Athena (Minerva) - Goddess of wisdom, crafts, and strategic battle.
Gaia – Goddess of the earth (mother earth)
Eris – Goddess of the miscourt
Hebe - Goddess of youth, and cupbearer.
Persephone - Goddess of the spring and death, daughter of Demeter.
Nemesis - Goddess of retribution and revenge.
Nike – Goddess of victory
Eilithyia - Goddess of childbirth; daughter of Hera and Zeus.
Selene – Titanness, goddess of the moon
Pan - God of the wild, shepherds, nature, and animals.
Iris - Personification of the Rainbow, also the messenger of Olympus along with Hermes.
Leto - Titaness; the mother of Apollo and Artemis.

The fights were held in the Pantheon at Mount Olympus. Referees are mythical heroes Hercules, king Midas, Ajax, Atlas, Achilles and Oddyseus. Because of their successes. Fighters might sexually humiliate each other and go for an ultimate surrender. The loser will be the love slave of the winner for a day. All the fights are mixed fights. The wrestlers are soaked in with olive oil.

There will be decided how the wrestling roster will be created, 16 gods and 16 goddesses will wrestle in for example a tag team match, round robin, elimination match or something else.


How will this tournament continue? and who will wrestle against each other?

          seperate gender brackets

          as appropriate matchups available


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