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Shadowrun | GarfunkeL | 4


So you are a female elf magician. Fair enough!


The night is cool and smells of decay as you step out of your flat in downtown Seattle. You are heading towards the "Vibe", a popular drinkinghole amongst certain shadier characters of local neighbourhoods.

You are Luna, 26-year old hermetic magician, born after the Awakening. To you, the old vids look like bad fiction - can anyone even imagine life without Magic and demihumans? Smiling, you shake your head to your musings, making your long, long blond hair tossle around. Thanks to a small enchantment, you can keep it flowing free and still it doesn't end up covering your face or your pointed ears, unless you want it, of course.

You are feeling bit adventurous tonight and it shows in your chosen dress:
black, stiletto-heeled knee-boots, fishnet stay-ups, tight denim skirt barely hiding the ornamental tops of the stockings, denim tube top revealing your tight abs with a green jewel in your navel, though the top only showcases your firm and round breasts, sitting proudly high on your chest. A short demin jacket to repel the wind. If there's no interesting job offers, atleast you should be able to snag a little night-adventure at the "Vibe"!

Of course, no sensible girls leaves home without protection. In your case, there's a switchblade hidden into your left boot, a pistol inside the jacket and most of all, your bracelet is actually a magical charm which you can use to call forth an elemental spirit. And naturally, most of your power is safely hidden inside your brain, ready to be unleashed.

After a short walk, you greet the orc bouncers at the door of the "Vibe" and enter. You quickly get a mug of synth-ale so you can blend into the other customers and scan around.

On a nearby table, you spot two nervous looking suits sitting and whispering to each other. Maybe they have a job for you? On the other hand, at a far booth you see a deadly looking troll, sitting sideways. His eyes are locked at you, which is only natural - after all, you are a total babe.


Where to now?

          head over to the suits

          Check out the troll


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