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A Wishbone Tale | BenjiDude | 5


Jake waited till Grace broke the hug before answering, “I was driving by and I remembered you worked here, thought I’d drop in and see how you’re doing” Jake said with a warm smile.

“Oh that’s so sweet” Grace replied as she took in Jakes form, “You’re looking good” she said.

“Thank you” Jake answered with a smile, “You look as stunning as ever” he added, making sure he looked her straight in the eye, which with over a foot in difference between the two was pretty difficult.

The two chatted for a bit, casually catching up, Grace constantly looking at the bag Jake had with him, all the while Jake refused to use the bone until he absolutely had to. Finally Grace couldn’t take it any more, “What’s in the bag?” she asked, looking at it intently.

“I thought you’d never ask” Jake answered, “It’s a little something I got for you” he added as he handed the bag over.

“For me?” Grace said stunned, “Oh you shouldn’t have” she added opening the bag and looking inside, “You really shouldn’t have” she said her tone becoming very cold. Jake reached into his pocket and grabbed the bone.

“You used to go on about how you always wanted a sexy uniform remember?” Jake stated, feeling the bone lightly pulse in his hand. Grace looked confused for a moment but then relaxed.

“Yeah that’s right” she said as the bone worked its magic on her memories, “You’re so sweet for remembering Jake” she added, giving him a friendly hug.

“I’d love to see you in it” Jake said as he felt his dick getting excited, leaving the wishbone in his pocket when he hugged Grace.

“Mmm I bet you would” replied Grace with a cheeky wink; she always was a bit of a flirt, “Unfortunately my shift doesn’t finish for another 6 hours” she added.

“We’ll see about that” Jake started looking at the staff members around him, “Where’s your boss?” he asked.

“Jenny? She’s over there” Grace replied, pointing to an older woman. Jake locked onto the woman and started walking over, the bone firmly in his hand.

“Excuse, Jenny right?” Jake asked in a friendly manner, the woman who was working on some paper work looked up.

“Yes, that’s right. Can I help you?” she asked, Jake made sure he grip of the bone was firm before he spoke.

“You are going to give Grace the rest of the day off at full pay, further more you are going to let her wear whatever she wants to work” Jake said firmly, a sly grin spreading across his face as he felt the bone warm up in his hand. Jenny got to her feet, looked over to Grace (who was still holding the bag with the uniform in).

“Grace, can you come over here?” Jenny asked, Grace walked way over and stood close to Jake, making sure her arm would rub up against his.

“What’s up Jenny?” Grace asked clutching the bag in front of her.

“Take the rest of the day off Grace, you’ve earned it” Jenny said, “Don’t worry, we’ll clock you out at the right time” she added.

“Oh I don’t know what to say? Thanks Jenny!” Grace replied smiling happily at the news.

“Also don’t worry about wearing a uniform to work, you just come in what ever feels right for you” Jenny added with a friendly smile.

“Are you serious?” Grace asked stunned, “That’s fantastic!” she added, looking up at Jake, her smile getting bigger.

“Come on Grace” you interject, lightly placing your arm around her shoulder, “Let’s go and catch up properly” you add as you start to make your way out of the ward.

“Sounds like a plan to me!” Grace replied placing her arm around your waist, almost like old times. Once they were out of the ward Jake directed them towards some toilets.

“Why don’t you get changed into your new outfit?” Jake suggested, feeling the bone warm in his hand.

“That’s a great idea!” Grace replied as she started towards the ladies toilets, Jake decided to be bold and followed her in, “What are you doing?” asked Grace surprised.

“What? There’s nothing I haven’t seen before, it’s all perfectly normal” Jake said grinning as the bone pulsed in his hand.

“Of course, silly me” Grace answered with a flirtatious glance. Jake leans up against a sink while Grace starts to head towards a cubical.

“Why not get changed right in front of me?” Jake suggested, still holding the bone, there was a moment of confusion of Grace’s face.

“Sure why not?” she eventually said, standing in the middle of the ladies toilets, she placed the bag on the floor and started to strip. Her overalls coming off pretty easily, quickly followed by her trainers and simple trousers then plain t-shirt, she just stood there right in front of Jake in nothing but her bra and panties, “Do you like what you see?” she asked in a teasing tone.

“I sure do” Jake replied, his cock standing to attention, “But I don’t think you’re new outfit will work with underwear” he added as Grace pulled it out of the bag.

“No I guess it won’t” Grace acknowledged as she looked at it properly, placing it back in the bag she quickly removed her bra and panties, then slid into the outfit. A white, skin tight, sleeveless, one piece that just barely covered her cunt and showed off an ample amount of chest even though Grace was only “blessed” with small breasts, a handful at most, the outfit made the most of them, better yet, her nipples were clearly on show for all to see, finally she slipped on the 6” shit heels to complete the outfit. “Wow” Grace said as she inspected her self in the mirror, “I didn’t expect the skirt to end so short” she added, tugging it down a little to protect her modesty. Jake was lost in the sight of his flirtatious ex in the sexy outfit.

“You love dressing sexy don’t you?” he said before you realised what he was saying but the bone warmed up in his hand regardless. Instantly Grace’s posture changed she became a lot more confident in her new outfit, flattening out the kinks.

“Yeah I sure do” she added looking at Jake with those big sexy green eyes.

“I knew it” Jake said coolly, “Now how about you pick up your stuff and we head back to your place to really catch up?” he suggested, feeling the bone warm up again in his hand.

“Sounds like a plan to me Jake” Grace said quickly putting her old clothes into the bag, “I’ve been single for so long now” she added as she wrapped her arm around Jakes. The pair walked through the hospital and Jake smiled as he saw Grace blushing from all the looks she was getting, she tightened her grip of Jake’s arm as if clinging on for dear life, eventually they got outside to the car park.

“Where’s your car Grace?” Jake asked.

“Oh I get the bus in” Grace replied.

“Looks like I’m driving then” Jake said as he lead Grace to his car. They got into his car and drove off to Grace’s place, Jake smiled whenever they stopped at some traffic lights and saw Grace squirm as anyone looked into the car.

Eventually they got to Grace place, a small flat on the outskirts of town, it’s was a nice place, with good security and clean halls, Grace had done well for her self it would seem, they quickly got to Grace’s apartment number 32 of what Jake assumed to be about fifty.

“My house mate should be in till later” Grace said as she opened the door.


Is her house mate in?



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