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Monster Island | TheVillian | 3


The feeling of being sober also brings this strange sensation with it. You've never been here before in your life, you know you haven't- but there's this feeling you can't shake. It's like you're coming home for the very first time.

You didn't even realize you were taking off your clothes and casting them aside until you were down to just your socks, the night air suddenly giving you a little sting like pins and needles- like when your hand falls asleep. You head inland feeling like a migrating bird going back to it's nest.

The clearing in the island's plantlife opens up for you before you realize it, and you distinctly see a campfire protesting at the tropical night air. The hooded figure setting at the campire is definitely female and she has the right curves in the right places, but since she's sitting with her back to you at the fire you can't tell much more.

"I've been waiting a long time," she says like she knows you're there, "Come around and take a seat. You probably have a lot of questions."

You do, for some strange reason you do come around, sitting opposite of her by the fire. Satisfied you're in place she pulls back the hood, and her while her face strikes you as breathtakingly beautiful and utterly alien at the same time. All the parts are in the right place with great cheeks, but her skin looks more like that of a snake then a person. In fact as she lets her hood fall back completely you see that her hair first seems to be dreadlocks but soon you realize it's just very lethargic snakes. She opens her eyes, revealing what seems to be spheres of pure crystal.

"When my kind lived among men I believe we were called Gorgons. Good to know the whole 'so ugly people turned to stone' thing was a myth, eh?" she jokes, you can't help but like her. She moves to her knees, crawling her way around the fire toward you. She purposely leaves her robe behind, only your angle prevents you from fully enjoying what you see is a body to die for even if her skin is more like a snake's then a human's. When she reaches you, she puts her hand up to your face- feeling it gently to which you immediately realize she's blind.

"Just like I've always pictured it." she smiles, crawling up to you so that she's holding herself against you, giving you a long passionate kiss and gently pushing until you are laying down in the clearing with her on top of you. Her juices are already dripping onto your cock, a turn on like anything you wouldn't believe.

"I'm sorry, this must seem very forward." she suddenly says when breaking the kiss, "it feels like I've known you my whole life but you've never met me."
"My kind are born with a. . .power I guess. To make eye contact turns the other being into stone. We have to blind our children at birth to prevent it from going out of control."
"That's horrible" you say, feeling empathy you didn't know was possible.
"It's the price we pay for living here peacefully, otherwise we'd be hunted down and killed by even other monsters- let alone the humans. Besides, it's not like we don't get something in return. We lose our eyes, but we get second sight in return."
"And you've been watching me?" you ask, strangely you believe her.
"Since I was old enough to like boys," she chuckles.
"So why me?"
"We came to this island to hide from the rest of the world, but we always knew that it was just a matter of time before someone found us. During World War Two a boat of nurses were shipwrecked here fleeing from the opposing army and begged us to hide them. We did, but we knew we'd have to do something drastic to keep our secret. In the end it was descided that we could trust them to keep our secret if it was their secret too, so some of our menfolk volunteered to seduce the nurses, disguise themselves, and marry their nurse when they got back to the main land. We've been watching the descendents because sometimes one of you works their way back home."
"You're saying I'm a monster's grandson?"
"Where'd you think your cock came from?" she says, rubbing her hot pussy against your monstrous dick to accent her point. In an odd way it makes sense you have to admit.
"But again, why me?"
"Because everytime I've look ahead to see of I'll have children I always see you. Details shift, that's the way of the future. Sometimes we're soulmates that live the rest of our lives together, sometimes we're just friends who occasionaly fuck. Two things are almost always constant, tonight is almost always the first time we make love, and whether you pledge undying love for me or just use my body for pleasure our daughter is always the joy of my life."
"So you think we're ment to be together."
"Maybe, maybe not. We do want to breed with humans until we look the same so we can stop hiding, I've never seen you breeding less then 20 of the women on this island actually."
"But we do have a daughter."
"Except when you decide to never have sex with me. The choice is yours."

Oddly, you believe her. She's dripping on your crotch so much you feel a little puddle forming on your skin and it seems like it would take just a slight movement of your hips to begin fucking this woman. The question is, fuck her now and risk being a dad or refrain?


Risk fatherhood or push her off?

          Give the lady what she wants.


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