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Family Body Swap Fun | BenjiDude | 2


You wake up a little groggy even so you feel that something isn’t right. Slowly sitting up you feel a weight on your chest, looking down you quickly spot a nice pair of breasts, then some blonde hair rolls off your shoulder. You grab it and inspect the long golden blonde hair, getting more confused by the second you pull back the covers to reveal a woman’s body complete with vagina, shocked you sit there and stare at your body. Then without warning you leap out of bed and head towards the bathroom and the ¾ length mirror you gasp as your vision locks onto the reflection of your sister looking back at you. You strike a pose and watch as the reflection matches you, “Oh my god” you say softly in your sister’s voice, as you lean against the bathroom door. Then a smile spreads across your face as you walk closer to the mirror, you cup each breast and feel their weight in your hands, “Oh my god!” you repeat with enthusiasm taking in your sisters naked form.

You’d never had such a clear viewing of her body before, being the older sister she was always cautious about where you were when she was getting dressed (or undressed). Of course now you’re her you waste no time in checking every last inch of her out.

It’s only now that you realise that you’re naked, you need to get some clothing on before someone spots you! Then there’s the matter of what’ll happen when you bump into your sister! You quickly exit the bathroom and slip back into your room, grabbing a pair of trousers and a t-shirt you quickly get dressed, somehow the notion of wearing pants just seems wrong right now. Now dressed you head back into the bathroom and do your morning wake-up routine (teeth, hair, shave – no wait don’t need to do that).

Once you’ve done your morning routine (including learning how to go to the toilet as a woman) you quickly start to think about a bra and panties. Sure bouncing tits are nice to look at but actually having a pair of your own, especially when they’re a nice handful like your sisters, then having them bounce around from every little movement isn’t so much fun. You decide to sneak into your sister’s room.

You slowly open her door, slip inside and close it again, no point in arousing unwanted attention, you look over to her bed, she’s hidden under the covers like usual, another night of hard partying no doubt, but at least everything looks normal, you start to rummage through her draws looking for her bras and panties. You manage to find the draw that contains them and pull out the top bra and a set of panties. You quickly remove your t shirt stifling a giggle as your breasts lightly bounce and wobble before struggling with the bra. You’d seen enough porno’s to know how the damn things come off but putting one on was a different matter. You freeze as you hear your sister stirring in bed, thankfully she’s still asleep, after some trial and error you finally get your boobs into the bra with all the straps straight, “Honestly who designed these things?” you thought to your self as you, quickly pulled down your trousers and put on the light blue panties, heading towards the door once you were fully dressed. Suddenly there’s a scream, you turn around and see your (male) self looking at you.


How do you deal with this fine mess?

          Try to make things calm


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