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Powers | TheVillian | 3


I'd prefer to keep my name to myself anyway, but it's true- I have a power. The power itself I really like, even if it's kind of weird.

I think I'm mainlining the morphogenic feild you hear psychics talk about, the supposed feild that connects all life on Earth.

To put it in simple terms, if I concentrate on a lifeform that evolved on planet Earth a gain it's abilities. Plants, animals, fungi, you name it. I can even do more then one at a time if I take it slow and concentrate hard enough. The problem is while I get the abilities, I also get the instincts and drives and they can be overwhelming.

It first started with little things, like what felt like an inside track on what the neighborhood pets were thinking. The first time I consciously used my power was to run away from a mugger, the fact that a cheetah can run at 65-70 MPH in a dead sprint just popped into my mind for some reason.

The first time I really noticed the downside happened about 6 months ago. I was refining my abilities by living in a state park, and to help with food I took on the attributes of some local plants. If you recall they get their energy directly from sunlight, so as long as I was mostly nude I had no need to eat. To move around faster I had also taken on primate attributes. What hadn't occured to me was that when in bloom a plant is almost always putting out plant pheremones and male primates will usually mate with any female in heat they come across.

In my wanderings I had stumbled across a group of all female conservationists, Daughters of Gaia I think they were called. Between the double whammy of my plant and monkey biochemistry none of us were thinking, we just had to mate. I remember that at some point I also took on Lion attributes because around females in heat a male lion can have sex about once every 20 minutes for days on end, and I remember that the sex was great- but beyond that it's all a haze until I could finally concentrate long enough to turn those lifeform attributes off.

I see the women around town occasionally, and from the smells and conversations I pick up I know that I fucked them all and I got about a dozen of them pregnant. None of them are particularly mad, either married women who could pass our child for their husband's or single women who knew people who wanted to adopt for the most part. Fortunately the pheremones I was putting out has hazed some memories on their end as well, all they really remember about me was that I was a great "absolutely primal" lay. I'm only 21, I can't be a dad!

So I try to keep on the down low, but I do like using my abilities to help out. I'm also trying to keep my dick in my pants, but with all these instincts flowing through me that gets hard to do.


What do I do next?


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