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Wizardry | Reticent | 8


Grinning, he left the showers briefly and removed his clothes so they would not get wet, placing them all into an empty locker. This was going to be fun, he thought. He decided to take some risks. After all, who would see him to tell?

Returning to stand behind Brittney, he considered it his options.

Starting on her firm ass, he ran an unseen hand lightly up her side, ignoring her gasp and allowed himself to cup her large breast, pinching the nipple slightly.

Brittney's breath quickened, and she turned her head to look over her shoulder with large, startled eyes. "Who's there?" she said hoarsly, obviously a little frightened.

A leggy brunette using the shower to the right of Brittney looked over. "Hmm? What was that, Brit?"

John sushed Brittney lightly and leaned to whisper in her ear, "Xotzil. Tell her it was nothing. Just your imagination. Relax. Enjoy." He can feel her muscles unclench as she listens to him, but John still piched her nipple harder to make sure she understood his message.

Brittney shivered slightly, despite the warm shower, and stuttered, "N-nothing. It was just my-" she paused as John places one of his hands on one of her generous, firm thighs "-my imagination..." Brittney trailed off slightly, almost moaning on the last syllable of "imagination" as John moved his hand and brushed her nub lightly.

The brunette eyed Brittney thoughtfully, taking in her flushed face and pert nipples. "Well, if you need any help... soaping up, just let me know." She grins and turns to her shower.


What's his next move?

          More fun in the shower


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