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Quiet Streets | TheVillian | 9


Your nude form stands in front of the cute doctor and Sara. After what feels like hours of proding, poking, and the occasional blood sample ironicly your cock has returned to life during the examination- but by then Sara was once again Captain Simmons, all business- no pleasure.

"Alright, I want you to be absolutely sure what you are getting into. Blue-A was originally ment to be a top secret combat drug based off of synthetic testosterone, but it was rejected for it's addictiveness and it's side effects on male soldiers." The doctor explains slowly and carefully, this descision may be the most important in your life. She holds a rather large syringe holding a thick blue liquid inside.
"Blue-A3 was made as a weaker version for insiders at the pentagon. It's been thouroughly tested and I'm convinced that for you it's safe. If you are to get on Blue-A3 the first injection is a triple dose to the thigh mixed with a seditive, it's definitely preferable if you are asleep and being closely monitered for the first 10 hours or so as parts of your metabolism are shifting gears. Nocturnal emissions are not uncommon for this phase. When you wake up you will notice that your libido is nothing short of volcanic as your body gets used to the new levels of hormones it's producing, and your testicles will produce an additional 25-to-50% of semen. If you get regular weekly injections you will notice in about 2 to 4 months increased muscle tone, increased aggression along with your heightened libido, your penis will lengthen to roughly 9 inches when erect, and you will produce semen at about triple your current rate. If you do not have sexual intercourse to completion at least twice a day you may experience addiction symptoms. If you ever try to quit Blue-A3 you will experience heavy withdrawl symptoms including but not limited to cramping, fever, profuse sweating, and possibily sterility. Do you understand?"

You think about it, as it is a lot to take in. However what finally makes the descision is a look at Sara. She tries to remain stoic but there's a hopeful gleam in her eye, like she's trying to will you to take the drug. You remember your earlier conversation, that thanks to the virus it's theoreticly possible for her to have another child but highly unlikely. If she's going to have another kid, it pretty much has to be a man on Blue-A3.

"Yea Doc. Let's do this."

She says nothing, going for surprise. The injection goes smoothly as planned.

"We'll have a cot prepared for you with rubber sheets in a few minutes. You're going to feel very tired very soon."

Within a minute you can barely keep your eyes open, and you hope that they don't mind carrying you to it. . .


What do you do first when you wake up?

          Who cares? WANT TO FUCK!


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