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A Wishbone Tale | BenjiDude | 6


Dave silently made his wish and within seconds one of the girls was on her feet shocked at what she was feeling.

“Oh my god!” she cried out, “Something is happening to me!” she added as touched her chest, at first it appeared as though her breasts were getting wider but thanks to her low cut top it soon became apparent that a third breast was growing between her usual pair, “No!” she cried out afraid to touch herself, “This can’t be happening to me!” she added flapping her hands up and down in front of her face, the third breast quickly grew to the same size as her other two, three large erect nipples clearly poking through her top, luckily for her she didn’t seem to be wearing a bra. Nevertheless her friends all looked at her new chest with shock.

“Like oh, my, god!” one of her friends started, “You’re like, a total freak now!” she added, making sure she kept her distance, least she catch whatever was going around.

“Dude, this is so awesome!” Jake blurted out, enjoying the sight of tens of ladies getting increasingly busty and the sight of this three breasts chick just reminded him of all those fantasies he’d had about that stripper from Total Recall.

“I’m glad you’re having a good time” Dave replied with a smile, it was his first of the day, “I think it’s time we sorted out that talkative bitch, don’t you?” he asked rhetorically silently making a wish with the bone.

“Shut up Cindy I’m not a freak!” the three titted girl said folding her arms under her new bust, Cindy was about to reply but she stopped before anything was said, her mouth started twitching and soon it began to change. Her mouth started to get narrower as it got higher, soon consuming her noise into the space, her lips reshaped and a large nub appeared at the top of the new slit, the girls at the table all blushed as they realised what had happened, Cindy’s mouth had been transformed into a large pussy, her noise had gone as well.

“Whatsh happened to my fash?” Cindy said with a slur as she reached into her bag to pull out her compact mirror. Shock took her face as she saw what had happened, she placed a hand on her cheek and just steered at her reflection, seemingly unconcerned by the juices that were dribbling out of her face pussy.

“That’s a bit harsh Dave” Jake said looking at his friend.

“Maybe, but we need to know what the bone can do” replied Dave as he spied his next victim, the bone warmed in his hand as he made his wish.

The cute redhead of the group suddenly stood up, her slightly baggy jeans already starting to look tight, “Oh no!” she cried, “I don’t want to be a freak” she added as she pressed her hands against her swelling ass trying to push it back in. Her jeans didn’t last long and quickly ripped apart at the seams, showing her legs to have become like horses, complete with fur, even her swelling ass was covered in fur. The girls butt continued to stretch out behind her, once it had stretch out about two feet behind her a second pair of legs started to grow along with a thick black tail, her legs bulged with strong horse like muscle as her toes formed into hoofs. She had been transformed into a centaur, half horse, half human, “Oh my god!” she said softly placing her face in her hands, “How am I meant to live like this?” she sobbed.

“Holy shit Dave!” Jake said bewildered by what had happened, “I guess this means the bone can change pretty much anything about a person huh?” he asked.

“Yeah, I guess it can” replied Dave softly, shocked himself at what the bone can do. He looked around him again and saw that all the fat ladies had disappeared all that was left was skinny ladies with huge breasts. “Why didn’t anyone run away?” he asked slightly confused, looking down at the bone.

“Maybe the shock of what happened numbed their motor control functions?” Jake suggested.

“But then they’d surely be stunned into silence as well?” Propositioned Dave, Jake pondered the question for a minute but was unable to come up with an answer. Dave turned to a near by table which had a three woman on it, “Excuse me?” he said politely, “Do you know what’s going on?” he asked, noting that their tops were very tight.

“There seems to be something in the food that’s making all the women very thin and very busty” one of the ladies replied.

“And you weren’t surprised by this?” questioned Dave.

“At first we were sure” the lady answered.

“You weren’t worried, or scared at what was happening? If you don’t mind me asking, all three of you appear to have been affected” Dave asked.

“Of course we were scared at first” the lady responded with a slight blush.

“We did think about running away” one of the other ladies chimed in, “But then we thought what if we stop getting thin? What woman in their right mind wouldn’t want to be thinner and bustier?” she retorted.

“Huh, you know I hadn’t thought about it like that, thanks for enlightening me” Dave replied before turning back around and facing Jake, “There we go then, I’ve inadvertently given all these woman just what they wanted” he said looking at his friend.

“Apart from those young girls” Jake stated, “What compelled them to stay?” he asked.

“Strength in numbers perhaps?” offered Dave, “Their bond will be much greater now than it was before that’s for sure” he added pausing for thought.

“This is getting depressing” Jake said getting to his feet, “Can we go and have some proper fun now?” he asked.

“Yeah sure, just let me do one last thing” replied Dave as he got to his feet and silently made a wish, instantly all the woman in the café erupted in orgasm, Dave made sure he was looking at Cindy “pussy-face” when he made the wish. He wanted to see what would happen with her facial cunt and sure enough her lips clamped shut and juices gushed out between the gaps, dripping down her chin, “Ok I’m done, lets go” he said, leading the way.


Where do Dave and Jake go now?

          Give the freaks a chance


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