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Another Day In The Office | virtuallyme101 | 3


“Ahem” He clears his throat and pushes himself back from the desk, away from me – his eyes still very much focused on my chest.

“Suzie, there are another couple of files that you can get for me.”

He points to the filing cabinet by the door, opposite his desk.

“Suzie, please retrieve the file from the lower cabinet drawer.”

I step back, a little bemused at this reaction to my blatant flirting.

“Which file?”, I ask.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter – just one from the bottom drawer”

I get the message – and bend over in front of him to open the cabinet drawer. Looking around at him with my ass in the air as I pull out a file.

“This one?”

“Perfect Suzie – very nice, very nice”

I stand, turn and walk over to the desk, leaning over the desk as I place the file on the desk in front of him.

“Very nice – lovely. Thanks Suzie.” His eyes not looking for a minute at the file in front of him.

“You said that there were a couple of files?” I query

“Yes, indeed. There is a file on the top shelf. You will need the ladder…” He points to the full height shelves on one side of his office with the little step ladder to allow the files on the top shelves to be retrieved.

“I’ll hold the ladder for you”. He walks over to the ladder enthusiastically and I follow.

I’m sure his trousers look somewhat fuller as I take some tentative steps up the ladder.

“Which file?” I ask again, looking back down at him from the third rung of the ladder.

“The one at the very top” he replies, smiling back up at me, having moved directly behind me, ‘to hold the ladder for me’.

I totter up the ladder, worried that I will loose my balance in my heels. The hem of my skirt well above his head height and I know he will be looking at my legs and most probably up my skirt. In order to pull the file out I had to stabilize myself on the ladder by standing with my legs parted. I felt a stirring between my legs at the thought of him staring up my skirt. He would have a nice view of my thong…

I retrieve the file and begin to step back down the ladder, feeling more than a little aroused!


What do I do next?


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