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A Spooky House | kwill81 | 2


There's no way your going to go into some spooky house in the middle of the woods. You have, after all, watched movies so you know what will happen if you go in there. You turn away and keep walking. As you get farther from the house the trees get closer together and the brush gets thicker. Something trips you and you fall down hard.

You try to stand back up but your legs are thoroughly tangled in the brush. You try to pull your legs free but all you do is rip your pants. Just great first your shirt now your pants are off. You shiver and lie there a few seconds taking stock. All your wearing is your sports bar and panties, your cold, wet, and still stuck in the brush.

As you try to free yourself you feel something going up your legs.


What is touching you?

          It's a vine.


          A snake



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