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Buffy: The Sexy Slayer | No one important | 23


“You know Buffy, it’ll only take you a few minutes to get to the Magic Box.” Anya said as she continued to work her fingers in and out of Buffy’s ass. “Maybe you should take a test before you go.”

Buffy just moaned in approval and moved over to one of closets. She pulled out a device that looked like a saddle with a large dildo attached to it. She placed the device in the center of the room and handed a remote control to Anya. Then she straddled the device and slowly lowered herself onto the dildo. Once she had the dildo completely sheathed in her pussy, Buffy looked anxiously up at Anya.

“Okay let’s start. What is the first rule?” Anya asked with a smirk as she held a finger over a button on the remote.

“The customer always cums first. It doesn’t matter if it is on my face or in my pussy. It’s their money, their pleasure.”

Anya nodded and she pressed the button. A soft vibrating sound filled the room and Buffy moaned quietly.

“What’s the second rule?”

“Service with a smile. I love being a whore so I should always show how happy I am that someone is treating me like one.”

Anya nodded again and pushed a different button. The vibration increased and Buffy started to rock her hips.

“What about the money you make?”

“I don’t need to know anything about money. You handle the money and tell me who to fuck. That’s all a stupid whore like me needs to know.”

Anya smirked at that answer and cranked the machine up to its max setting. Buffy screamed out as she climaxed and Anya waited a minute before she turned the machine back to a lower setting.


Does Anya have some more questions or is it time for Buffy to go?


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