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Abandonment on Evergracia | lupine | 4


The son was up as FellFallow humped through the city to the slave market. He had not slept in so long he thought nothing of rousing the slavers, though they weren’t too happy about it.

“The letter and the law young sir, the letter and the law. Since you are a gentleman with talons in hand I have agreed to this parlay. The first matter is the auction date itself. Why, my young gentlemen should I allow a purchase today when you are free to bid with the others on the very day.”

“As I explained, I have an abiding personal interest. As I am now the sole owner of my fathers estate within three days of his death. Indeed there is the question of my female relations even being brought here before three days was ended…” Said FellFallow struggling to keep his arguments straight under the weight of fatigue, mostly from the long sit in court. He would have thought the battle had taken more out of him.

“Well, you may have something to say on the personal interest, those are the very letters, although I cannot recall when they were enacted?” Said the chief slaver who looked sideways at FellFallow.

“That came about under the 10th lord in the 29th all-court.” Spouted Fellfallow by route.

“Damn!” Said the chief slaver then caught himself.

“Alright, there is the matter of proper estate maintenance. First you cannot just buy a slave and then free her, that’s in the letter. Second, assuming you own no slaves now you can only acquire one household and one personal. Having made such a choice you are required to see that the slaves perform their duties. Otherwise it’s anarchy-“

“I will take Diva Downe, my mother, as my personal and Celeste Downe, my sister as household.” Announced FellFallow, cutting off the Chief Slaver.

“You know what a personal slave does lad… you mean to tell me…?” Sputtered the slaver.

“My personal slave Diva Downe will clean and polish my weapon this very night.” Said FellFallow with confidence he hoped he truly possessed.

The chief slaver whistled long and low through his teeth.

“Well, young gentlemen, you have backed me down with every pronouncement as if I were the very stray dogs at the gate… We come then to price, what do you offer.”

“I can give you three talons right here and now.” Said FellFallow extending his hand.

“That is fair sir, that is fair, and nothing to laugh at. I have sold slaves for less, that is sure. But sir, these is very lady like slaves your relations. Plus they is from the town, they know our ways, almost as if they wont need to be trained. And as I said they is very divine in their tall height and countenance and good manners-“

“Come to the point, man.” Demanded FellFallow, his arm still extended.

“Six Talons each, I could easily expect that much at auction.”

FellFallow was at a loss, he had come to the end of his resources. He had only six talons. His father may have coin secreted away in the estate, or maybe he could sell something…. Maybe he should just purchase Diva… He had a feeling the slavers would hide his sister if he left her here now. FellFallow was waiting for his brain to provide a solution but it was sluggish and silent.

“Excuse me head slaver! Are any new traders expected this afternoon?” Came a voice from the entrance of the tiled courtyard. As the new voice walked in FellFallow saw that it was the scrapper freshly cleaned and dressed in fine silk shirt and a thick traveling cloak of many virtues . FellFallow thought he was doomed, if this scrapper took the side of the slaver he could not haggle against his own senior society.

The fresh scrapper looked back and forth between the slaver and FellFallow.

“You want twelve talons for what, chief?” Asked the scrapper.
“Just a bit of business sir, just business, we were just coming to terms. Just a humble moment more sir and I can give you the rest of my morning, such as it is…” Brought forth the chief slaver in an entirely different tone.

“Has my young society friend here before you, covered in the blood of monstrous demon dogs, identified himself to you as a Ninth Wall and a gentlemen?” Asked the scrapper none too quietly.

“Ya- yes, yes sir.” Mumbled the chief, averting his eyes.

“Then you know damn well it is my business as much as anyone’s, and I will caution you never to try and dismiss me again. I ask again twelve talons for WHAT?” Demanded the scrapper.

“Well, an unfortunate matter of his mother and sister after the death of his father… but I didn’t really know, society or not, whether the young gentlemen was deep in your fellowship” whined the chief.

The scraper thought on this for some moments, his expression unreadable as the chief slaver and his minions looked on and sweated in the morning sun.

“Two talons for the pair, and TOTAL anonymity for the buyer. Be grateful you are so richly compensated, chief slaver.” The minions made way as the young scrapper entered the offices of the slavers.

The chief nodded regretfully in silence as FellFallow handed over the two talons.

When Diva got the message in her quarters FellFalow heard her shriek all the way from the courtyard. She ran to find him standing beside the gate. She was sobbing and shaking with joy and relief.

“What is it?” asked FellFallow as he was pressed into her generous bosom her golden locks falling into his eyes, but she could not speak, as tears poured from her eyes.

As he held her he could feel her warm body trembling.

“What is it?” He asked again.

FellFallow had rescued his female relations and as they walked home he planed for their future.


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