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Avatar: The Other Stories | nelo | 3


The offspring of an male Earthbender and a female Waterbender. That is Cheng Basu. That is you. You are 22 years of age now, and you are tanned, slightly muscled and stand at 5'9".

Since your parents were of different bending natures, both have inherited a part of their chi-nature in you, causing you to be potentially able to both earth- and waterbend. However, this chi is so minimal that you instead learned to improvise. If given earth and water, you are able to create plants and even massive trees, using a unique mixture of water and earth-bending. However, your abilities are limited to that plantbending, and if you lack either earth or water, you cannot properly defend yourself, as your other bending arts are weak. For that reason, you always carry two gours with you: One with mud, and the other with water.

You grew up in relative peace on an island in the north of the Earth Kingdom, closer to the North Pole where the family of your mother resides, but also close enough that you can ship to the main island of the Earth Kingdom within a day. And that was what you did when you turned twenty and being confident in your own abilities.

Since you only saw a few females in your villages, your curiosity in them was great. After learning about the pleasures of the flesh in a brothel, you take great pleasure in seeking after women, which is made rather easy due to your charming personality and your good looks.

Your lust after women is only overshadowed by your hatred towards the Fire Nation. After losing your home town to a Fire Nation raid, you hate them deeply, and joined a resistance group. However, even that group was, after a failed raid at a Fire Nation camp, captured. Only you managed to escape, but as a reminder, you sustained a wound on your left shoulder by a spear, which by now has turned into a scar.

That has made you to become anti-confrontational. When you encounter foes, you either try to hide, outsmart or negotiate with them. You decided to keep your plantbending to a minimum. It wouldn't be exactly smart to let the fire nation know you're out there, because your plantbending has become rather strong lately... up to the point where you can create entire forests given a bit of time.

Equipped with water, mud and good looks, you set out in the Earth Kingdom, seeking for ways to strengthen it against the Fire Nation invaders....


What is your next adventure?


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