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Valendrel | darrowhk | 3


The messenger gathers all of the warriors around.

“Many of your fathers or brothers may have left your lands seeking glory, and many of them have made it back to tell you the tales. Your tales, however, will put all of theirs to shame. The truth is that we do not have a name for what strikes at Tarintha. We know that they are not men, at least not men who still draw breath as you or I, and we know that they are not beasts, at least not any beast that mankind has known and fought before.”

“If there are any cowards among your number, let them leave now. We can afford no weak links against this enemy.”

Your fellow warriors each show a small amount of surprise, but refuse to allow any fear. Every one of them stands tall.

The journey to the south takes many days. The lands are know for bandits, and for worse, but your party is numerous and strong. After two months of travel, you arrive at a small town. The town seems to be peaceful and prosperous, but there are a large number of tents and camps outside of it. As you approach, a large man emerges from the village to greet you.

The man appears to be old, easily in his mid fifties, but still very strong. His manner is slow and unassuming, but with and underlying sharpness and confidence.

“So, you are the men that have been sent to me? You man call me Hagren. I will be leading you into battle, or maybe into worse. While we have been waiting for you, the residents of Tarintha have been take here. To leave them where they were would have been too dangerous, and no man has gone back since. The enemy has begun to follow us, however, and has been spotted in recent nights gathering in the night. You will rest tonight, and tomorrow. After that, we well set out for Tarintha.”


Do they get their two nights rest, or do *they* strike first?


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