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Quiet Streets | TheVillian | 3


The moment you take to decide what to do answers for you as sudden bursts of gunfire erupt from before. Within seconds the floor above sounds like a warzone, one you really don't want to be involved in. Tucking back into your hiding place you close the door which muffles the sound a little, but not enough to make you feel remotely comfortable. The strangest part is, the opposite sides of the war upstairs seem so different you can almost tell you is fighting just from the sound. One side sounds like a mish-mash of fighters, probably a gang of some kind- the scream was probably one of their women noticing the other side.

The other side however gives you a whole mess of conflicted feelings. They sound organized, trained, even the weapons sound professional. Could it be? The Military?

The battle ends quickly and decisively, with the military force absolutely destroying the gang if you had too guess. The sounds of heavy footsteps first seem to come together, then disperse throughout the floor upstairs- whether or not you want them to find you is a question that has your blood boiling.

Whatever way the next few minutes turn they are definitely going to be tense ones. It's obvious why the sounds dispersed now. They military group has split into search parties and are searching the mall above, and you can hear one group of 4 in the hallway that will pass by the door. You could give yourself up to them in hopes that they are some sort of rebuilding of society, but then again they did wipe out that group upstairs so it may be preferable to die fighting compared to what they could have planned for you. Or you could take a third option and just continue hiding in hopes that they don't find you.


What do you do?

          Are You Crazy? HIDE!


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