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A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive | Ooohkitty | 3


You think to yourself, better safe then sorry. You run into the bathroom and crawl out the tiny window. It's a very tight squeeze around your breasts and hips but you make it through. The old fire escape clangs loudly as your feet hit the metal mesh. The molding on the outside of the building showed that this place was once an amazing hotel, but that was a long time ago. Now it had become, for lack of a better word, a shit hole. You climb down and end up in a grubby aisle way. You wipe the fire escapes rust off your hands just in time to look up and see a bum. He turns over and yells at you for making such a clatter.

You peek out into the main street and see a car flipped over on it's roof. The whole side of the car was riddled with bullet holes. It must have been there for a few hours. You look around and see two cop cars off in one direction then you scan the area to see what kind of neighborhood you're in. After observing your surroundings you know why it took hours for the cops to show up. Somehow the car looks very familiar to you and the bullet holes flood your mind with thoughts.

The holes look like they were made by 5.56mm rounds more then likely from an M4 carbine assault rifle judging by the way the pattern sweep upwards. Clip capacity 30 rounds, length 84 cm and weight

You wonder how the hell do you know that and how many pounds is 2.54 kilograms. This is getting weirder and weirder. You decide to make it through the alley instead of going out into the main street. You pass garbage cans that smell of dead cat and rioting bananas. You almost trip over a pair of legs. You turn to apologize and you see...


What do you see?

          a dead hooker

          Mr. President?


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