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Lara Croft and the Elixir of Youth | LordXorph | 3


Lara knew she had no chance to escape the three goons, now while she had a gun pointed at her head. She tried another old strategy. "Listen, whatever your boss is paying I'll double it. Just let me go."

One of the guards, a young looking man, said "You can't match what we've been promised". Another of the guards, a big man with silver hair, have him an angry look. The young one had obviously said something he shouldn't have. She'd make sure to remember that.

They got to the boathouse. The big guy and the youth stayed in the boat with Lara while the third guard, a weaselly looking man with black hair, jumped out and went into the boathouse. The odds were more even now, if Lara wanted to try something, but the big guy looked more than competent with a pistol. She tried one last trick. "Let me go, and you can do what you want with me."

The big guy snorted. "Ha! I could do anything I wanted to you now. Luscombe!" he shouted through the door. "Where are you?"

"Right here, McAlister." said the third guard, emerging with a large duffel bag that he tossed into the boat.

"Get out the cuffs and the gag." ordered McAlister, the big guy. Luscombe did as he was told. "Tyler," said McAlister to the young guy. "Cuff her hands behind her back. Don't struggle, bitch, or I'll blow your brains out."

Lara remained still as Tyler cuffed her hands. This was bad news, but she made sure to keep her wits about her. She noted that Tyler was sweating and nervous. She guessed this was partly because he was terrified of McAlister and partly because he was so close to a naked beautiful woman. Damn. She should have tried to seduce him instead of the big guy.

When her hands were secure behind her back, McAlister said "Open your mouth."
Lara reluctantly did as she was told. Luscombe produced the gag. Lara gasped; it was a big pink dildo gag with a rounded outer end. Once it was in her mouth it would look just like a regulation ball-gag. Luscombe smiled and rammed it into her mouth with surprising speed. "HURK!" went Lara and just in time managed to open her throat open to accommodate it. Luscombe fastened the straps and Lara was silenced.

"There!" said the big guy, satisfied. "Now you can't escape, fight or try to bribe us anymore. The boss is going to enjoy seeing you like this."


What happens to Lara now?

          She's taken to meet the Boss.


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