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The Choices We Make | gystex | 7


You turn around and see that the closet door is definitely creaked open, and catch a quick glimpse of someone's hand trying to pull it shut.

"Fiona, what the hell is going on here?" you ask, a little peeved.

"It's called a major screw-up," Fiona says with a sigh. "Hey Jenny, you might as well come out."

The closet door creaks open again, and a girl steps out. The first thing you notice about her is that her cheeks are burning red. She has shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes behind large, coke-bottle glasses. She's dressed conservatively in a way that seems to say "schoolgirl uniform" - not the traditional plaid skirt and knee socks, but there's a lack of style about her clothes that says it's not what she would have chosen for herself.

"This is Jenny," Fiona says nonchalantly. "She's a friend of mine, from school - did I mention I go to Catholic school? Not my choice, believe me. Anyway, Jenny's heading off to Europe on an exchange program, and she figures she might have the chance to get laid - stop blushing, Jenny, I told you it's nothing to be ashamed of! The thing is, she's a virgin, and she's kind of scared of the whole concept, so I told her she could watch me and my boyfriend tonight and get an idea of what it's like. I thought the whole plan would have to be ditched when he bailed on me, but then you showed up, so I figured hey, why not? Well, say something, Jenny!"

Jenny seems to be trying to swallow a major lump in her throat. "H-hi," she finally squeaks.

"Um, hi," you reply, unsure of the proper ettiquette in this situation.

"So, what do you say?" Fiona asks you. "I mean, would it bother you to show Jenny how it's done? She's be really quiet, you won't even know she's there. If you won't, I'm afraid we'll have to call it a night. I mean, I can't very well just kick her out."


What is your reply?

          "She can watch."

          "Why should she just watch when she can participate?"


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