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Fantasy Cum True | hoot6theyre | 6


She leaves you on the floor, goes into the bathroom and comes out minutes later wearing a 8 inch strap on.

You jump to your feet and scramble towards the door, hoping to escape but she is much to fast for you. She quickly runs you down and tackles you to the floor. She is laughing and half growling over you. You are so scared with her towering over you. She turns you over on to your stomach. "this is a little taste of what I have in store for you", as she immobilizes you with a full nelson, intertwines her legs around yours spreading them as far apart as she can and starts dry humping you into the floor. Slowly at first, then harder and harder until you are crying under her, helpless and squealing. "I'm just getting warmed up", she laughs.


she comes all over your ass

          she comes in your ass


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