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Girl's Body Gym | hoot6theyre | 7


"I guess I want to be top", you stammer.
She laughs and slaps and backhands you over and over until she has you pinned up against the wall. 'A little wimp like you is going to top me", she laughs and while she spins you around and with her left hand, pins both your hands behind your back. You struggle and squirm but her grip is strong as she leans into you pushing you up on your tippy toes. With her right hand she reaches around, undoes your pant buckle and rips down your pants and underwear down around your ankles.
When you look over your shoulder at her she stands a head taller than you. She begins to violently spank your ass with her strong bare hand. You start to plead with her,
"Please, don't do this to me. Please stop.

She laughs and slowly starts finger fucking you up against the wall putting you up on tippy toe, walking you around the room, spanking and finger fucking you. You start to cry.


she really starts to work you over



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