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First Thrill | Doll | 1


You are locking your door on the way out of your apartment for your first day of your new job. You are headed to the dentists office to start your new career as a dental assistant. You were nervous but ready for the task. Before you leave, you look at your 21 year old body to make sure that you look right. Your nice, blonde hair is waving perfectly down behind your white gown. Your smooth skin looked almost like silk and everything on you looked perfect. You take off down your road and are ready to begin. You get there and first you have to have a meeting with your boss. You do not have any idea who to expect. You get there and the secretary tells you to go in the last door on the left. You go down the quiet, dark hallway and open the door.

You walk in and see this beautiful girl sitting in a chair. She had shoulder length, dark hair in two pigtails off to the side. She was cute but you are not into girls. Actually, you haven't even had a guy for the past two years. You have been too focused on your career. You sit down and she welcomes you and says, "first, we have to fill out some paperwork."

Then she looks in a file cabinet and looks discouraged. "Damn, I can't find them, Oh yeah ,I left them at my house. You'll have to come with me quick." "Ok" you say, you are not about to say no to your new boss. You get in her car and start to drive to her home. She compliments you on how good you look and asks if you are single. You say that you are, but that you are not really looking.

She seems excited but you do not know why. You both get there and she opens the door and lets you in. The house is beautiful and has every nice thing that you could ask for. She tells you to take a seat on the couch while she gets the stuff. You sit and wait and look around. All of the sudden, shock comes over you as you look near the foot of the couch and see white panties. You are embarrassed in seeing them and also see that they are wet. There is a magazine next to it face down so you decide to see what it is.

As you bend down and pick it up your boss says, "Ok, Stacy, come in here and help me with this." You find it odd for her to leave you in her room. What do you do?


Do you go in?

          Open the door and go in

          Open the door and go in

          Stay in the room

          Ignore her and look around a little


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