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The Video | LordXorph | 7


Still shaken and burning with shame from her humiliating encounter with Mark, she didn't think. She automatically put the phone to her ear. "Don't hang up. Keep listening." It was the same unknown voice from earlier.

"Did you get Mark to fuck you up the ass?" it asked.
"He'll do it after work!" replied Maryanne through clenched teeth.
The voice was silent for a moment. "I don't like you trying to resist me." it finally said.
Maryanne growled and said, "I did everything you made me do!"

"Yes, but you keep trying to defy me by twisting my words. First you use the anal warts thing to make fun of Mark instead of humiliating yourself like I wanted, then you get him to do you after work instead of in his office right now."
"But you didn't say when!!" squealed Maryanne.
"You could have got him to assfuck you right then and there if you'd begged him long enough. Couldn't you? Tell me the truth."
"Probably." Maryanne was forced to answer.

"Well then. It seems I need to show you how I deal with these little defiances. In the fridge on the second floor there is a half-full bottle of tabasco sauce. Leave the phone on the table but don't hang up. Go get the bottle and tell me when you're back."

Maryanne carefully placed the phone on the table, left her office and robotically went to the second floor. In the door of the fridge was the sauce, just as the voice had said. It belonged to someone else, so she looked around furtively to make sure nobody was around before slipping it into her handbag.

She returned to her office and picked up the phone. "I've got it." she said.
"Excellent. Drink the lot."
WHAT?! she thought, but couldn't stop herself as she took out the bottle, flipped the lid and put it to her lips. The first gulp wasn't too bad but then her mouth and throat started burning horribly. Her eyes watered, but she couldn't stop drinking. With a great effort of will she avoided coughing the stuff through her nose. Crying and whimpering, she finished the bottle and sat there with her mouth open, fanning cold air in there with her hand.

"Tasty?" said the voice.
"Aaagh! No! It burns!" replied Maryanne.
"Good. Now, about eight or twelve hours after your appointment with Mark you'll learn a very important lesson: disobedience will always come back to burn your ass."


Does she keep her appointment? Or does something else happen in the meantime?

          the day goes on


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