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Sexy Black Boots | RSpence | 13


"Wait... how did you change just then without having to fiddle with the boots?" you ask, curious and slightly unnerved.

"I put on the piece of paper to transfer the powers to powers of thought," she replied as if what she said was the most normal thing in the world. She proved it, she changed between a few forms, ranging from celebrities to women with two heads and six breasts.

"OK, that's just odd," I said after the last one, "as much as I like boobs, six of them and two heads is just too odd."

"It's not just myself I can change though," she said, as the then grabbed a book from the side, and changed it from a book to a TV remote, then into a mobile phone. "Can't seem to make inanimate objects into living things though, think the boots have their limits."

She then grabbed me. Suddenly I felt all weird feelings going through me, and saw myself changing, and felt it too.


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