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Something you don't see Everyday | RSpence | 3


OK what the hell? I'm glowing? Literally glowing, not like the crappy pregnant woman glowing, like uranium glowing.

"Fuck! How am I gonna get away with this?" I thought, holding my head in my hands. I then realised. I couldn't see the glow on my hands, only in the mirror. OK so there's something wrong with the mirror, must be. I tried my little one. Nope, glowing there. What the hell is going on?

I realised I had to see if anyone else could see this. Where's my brother?

"Hey, shit-for-brains, where are you?" I shouted, wandering through the house.

"Yeah sis?" he replied as I found him in the garage, looking for a pair of shoes. He didn't seem at all shocked to see me so I can only guess that he couldn't see me glowing.

"Erm, we gotta go. Ready?" I said, relieved but still hesitant incase he just hadn't said anything about the glow. We headed off, got in the car, and drove to school. I didn't get any strange looks on the way past and I drive a convertible, so I felt reasonably sure that no-one could see this weird glow. Why the fuck was I glowing though? I mean come on, people don't just start glowing in mirrors every day.

Damn it, you pray for something interesting to happen, it does, and then it turns out that you look literally luminious in mirrors.


What happens next?

          Mirrors never lie. Denise is radiating something alright.


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