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Nympho Fever | braedan51 | 2


9:53:00 AM

Suddenly, without warning the stillness of the observation room was broken by the unmistakable sound of containment breach klaxon. Dr. Swanson pressed buttons quickly on the control panel, brining up a status screen for the facility.

Dr. Swanson (excitedly), “Oh my God…Colonel, I don’t know how, but we have a widespread containment breach, Cassandra is loose in the facility…in less than 2 minutes every woman in this facility is going to be showing the same symptoms we just witnessed.” In a panic Dr. Swanson mashed his hand down on the panic button. All over Gemini Lab 12 doors began sliding closed, in another 1 minute 30 seconds all doors would be sealed.

9:54:18 AM

Colonel Byrd, “Swanson….you just trapped us in this room”

By this point, the woman in observation room alpha was licking and tugging at her nipples, lost in her own ecstasy.

Dr. Swanson, “At least we have entertainment?”

Unbeknownst to Dr. Swanson or Colonel Byrd a young lab technician, Ms. Laura Anderson exited the Gemini Lab a mere thirty seconds before Dr. Swanson initiated the lockdown….


Follow Laura, or see what happens in Gemini Lab 12

          Incident at Gemini 12

          Follow Laura Anderson

          Meanwhile, elsewhere in Gemini 12

          In The Observation Room


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