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Something you don't see Everyday | RSpence | 2


"What the hell?" I said, as I looked outside. It was all bright and sunny, as it always fucking was. But not quite as it always was, as there was one cloud, maybe perfectly round, raining heavily down in our garden.

"Kevin, you seen that?" I shouted back at my brother, but the idiot had gone in the living room to watch TV before school. Some crappy kids show no doubt. Am I the only one who doesn't think SpongeBob is cool? Fucking morons. Ah right, the cloud.

I went outside and stood next to the cylinder of rain in our garden. How has no-one else noticed this? I decided to touch it, see if it was real and that I wasn't completely insane now. Nope, real. Incredibly real, more real than normal rain if that was even possible. I had to stand under it, I don't know why, just felt that I had to. It felt incredible. As it washed over me I felt every drop on my body, and it was so cooling. All the heat from my body dissipated like I'd just been blasted with a 10 foot fan. My body felt so relaxed as well, and it felt like I was in the best condition I'd ever been in.

I stepped out of the rain column, confused but amazed by the only weird thing to happen round here ever.

"What the fuck? I'm dry? How?" I exclaimed, shocked at how dry I was considering how much water there was. I went inside to look in the mirror to make sure. Nope, dry as a bone. I looked again though, something seemed different. Something WAS different!


What was different?


          Denise smash?


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