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"Account of Courtney & Jeremy | whizzper | 4


Sara got into her car, a 2015 Mazda 8. It was red in color and she loved the sleek lines of the vehicle. She punched in her PIN to start the car and drove off to meet Sharon and Bridgett.

When they had called her that morning telling her they needed their help to get Courtney and Jeremy together she had agreed right away. She loved her brothers dearly, and she had always thought that Courtney was perfect for her bigger younger brother. "Call Bridgett." She said to the car and the car's built in cellphone dialed Bridgett's number. The car automatically turned down the radio which was playing Critical Acclaim by Avenged Sevenfold, a band really popular a decade ago.

"Hey Sara, you on the way here?"

"Yeah. You're sure that Courtney said what she said, right?" Sara asked as she made a right on Central Avenue.

"Yeah, sorta."

"Babe, she did, or she didn't. Which is it?"

"She never came out and said she loved him. However I know that tone of voice. She feels stronger than just a kid's crush."

"Okay, that's good enough for me. I've been subtly hinting that Courtney was perfect for him for the last three years. I still don't know why they haven't dated yet!"

"It's always about timing. I think that, on Courtney's side, she just felt it would happen regardless. You know? It wasn't until six months ago that I convinced her to lose that last bit of baby fat to get him!"

"Well, he loved her anyway..."

"No, you should have seen the look her gave her at my pool party two weeks ago. I thought his eyes were going to pop out right there! He may have had feelings before, and I believe he did, but he never had true LUST for her, you know? That day he did! I loved it."

"Okay, yeah, he always did like in shape girls. Must be a family thing. My brother excels at baseball, I'm a good tennis player, and Jeremy and my father are centers, and mom was the Co-head cheerleader."

"And she was a bit of a nerd growing up. I mean it's weird how her father and younger brother was and is the QB on the team, but she never..."

"Her mother wasn't on any teams either you know. And for more of my family, my aunt Janine was on the cheer squad as well. Only Aunt Kathryn wasn't, and that's a by product of her night blindness. She excelled at indoor stuff. Where there were lights and stuff to keep her birth defect hidden."

"Yeah, I'd heard about that. I never got how her friends betrayed her like that...I mean if she was anything like she is now she had to have been the coolest in school! Mean assholes."

"We're meeting at Sharon's?"

"Yeah. I'm almost there. We have one more test to perform to confirm Courtney's love. Almost to force it out of her."


What's the test?

          Test is done by the time she gets there


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