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When The Cat's Away | whizzper | 34


Kathryn sat behind Bryan, cradling his head in her arms, and rubbed the bump that was forming on the back of his head. "Does anyone have any aspirin? Or do we have to go to the sickbay for that?"

Amber giggled at the words, "It's the Medical Station on civilian ships usually. But everyone calls it the sickbay. Oh yeah, right there...What I think is everyone watched too much Star Trek." She paused to moan, "Mr. Menard you have very...very skilled fingers. You have me al...oh God...almost cumming already!"

"Anticipation, here, let me show you something I've learned over the years...not that I'm that old...anyway. Take your skirt off."

"Sure thing...but first." She looked at Jim and Sally, "My name is Amber. How do you do?"

Sally laughed, "I'm Sally, this is my husband Jim. And now that we're formally introduced it's not weird to get naked in front of us."

Amber shrugged, grinning, as she unzipped the skirt, "Something like that, yeah."

Hank looked over at Bryan, "You okay there? You think you could focus? I think you and Kate will love this."

Veevee smiled in anticipation, "You're going to..."

"Shhh...Anticipation. It gets you girls hotter than anything else." Hank said with a smile to his wife." He looked over as Amber skinned her wet thong off, "Okay, sit on the couch if you would please."

Amber stepped over to the couch, her hand practically shaking in anticipation.

Hank sat on his knees in between her spread legs. "Everybody ready?" he asked as he trace the outline of Amber's puffed lips.

Kathryn had a bit of trouble getting Bryan up off the floor until Jim and Peter came over to help her. Sandy had gone into the bathroom and returned with a glass of water and some Advil.

They took Bryan around to the other side of the couch, where they sat him back down. He took the proffered pills and water, downing them quickly.

After that Kathryn smiled at Hank, "Okay, you can go now. I'll take notes for Bryan." She said as she gently caressed his face, planting a kiss on his forehead. Veevee smiled at Kathryn's action. She loved watching people in love, made her feel warm and gooey. And thankful that she had met Hank. For a while she had thought that she would never meet someone that could keep up with her sexually, and while she did out pace Hank most of the time, he was always game. She also liked that he never felt jealous, supremely confident that he had her heart.

Hank cleared his throat, "Okay, class is in session." He then proceeded to squeeze Amber's lips together. This action caused her clit to protrude a bit from the hood. "Okay, Amber squeeze your kegel muscles."


"Make believe you have to take a piss, and you're holding it in."

"Oh, okay...OH! Oh, that feels good!" Amber said, her eyes wide, pleasure bled out of her voice.

Veevee nodded, "I love it when he does that to me."

Kathryn tilted her head, "How does that work?"

"What I'm doing is creating tension on her clit, when she squeezes her muscles she's basically rubbing her clit against her own lips." Hank replied.

"You can think of it as she's jerking herself off. Show them the juicy fruit mouth, Hank!" Sally said, excited.

Kathryn nodded, "Jasmine showed us that one...But I'll watch again, maybe experience has some better way of making it."

Hank shook his head, "I doubt it. The Juicy Fruit mouth is standard. It's a natural reaction for trying to get all the juices into your mouth. If she already showed you we don't need to go over that. Sally, can you get a glove for me?"

Sally nodded her head, and went into her room again to fetch a latex glove.

"The next thing I'm going to show you is to not fear hurting the girl. Women can take a pounding from two hundred pound guys, you're fingers aren't going to hurt her."

Sandy shook her head, "Not true..."

"Okay, granted. If you get an idiot like the one that took your virginity. But that wasn't a fault of the pounding necessarily. He didn't loosen you up enough. That's what that was." Hank answered as Sally came back holding the glove. "Now, " Hank continued as he snapped the glove into place. "this here is a great way to get her off."

He proceeded to place two fingers at Amber's inner lips, rubbing her pussy at the entrance. "Peter, have you ever watched Sandy masturbate?"

"Yeah...practically every morning. Unless we were at a party the night before it's what she does to wake gets me going too."

Hank nodded at that, "I know that feeling. Have you ever wondered why, until she is approaching the brink all she does is rub around the entrance and maybe a knuckle and a half into her?"

"I asked once, and she said that area had the most pleasure sensors." Peter said as Sandy nodded.

"That's exactly it. You can think of this area under the clit here as the the area just under your cockhead. The Frenum. Just as our area this area's nerves are very reactive to light caressing touches." Hank said as he gently rubbed Amber's inner labia near her clit. Amber stomach twitched with every caress, eliciting a sharp intake of air and sighs from the smiling ship's stewardess.

Kathryn looked down at Bryan, and smiled to see the bulge in his pants. "You feeling better?" she asked her love quietly.

"Much, Advil rocks."


Continue the lesson? Or is it participation time?

          Later the next day (Kathryn and Bryan)

          Later the next day (The Menards)

          Later the next day (The Walkers)


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