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"Account of Courtney & Jeremy | whizzper | 9


Courtney turned around to see her dad standing at the sliding door that led out to the patio. She smiled, or tried to smile at her father. She failed miserably in the endeavor though. "Kinda. Daddy, why do people do stuff like this?"

Colin Jones stepped out of the house moving towards his daughter. He was dressed in a a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt, his usual sleep attire. "What's that sweetheart? Actually, first, Happy birthday."

Courtney smiled, a real smile this time and got up to accept the hug that her father offered. "Thank you daddy." She said, her voice muffled by her father's shirt.

"You're welcome. Now tell me what's the problem?" Colin stated as he sat down on the lounge chair. Courtney took the opportunity to sit in her father's lap. She hadn't done that since she was thirteen, and at the moment she needed some comfort. Colin seemed to realize this as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, bringing her head to lean on his shoulder.

"'s about Jeremy."

"Ah, Jermamy." Colin said with a smile.

"Oh, come on. I haven't called him that in a long time." Courtney said with a pout.

"Oh, just razzing you. I'm allowed to do that every now and then you know. It's in the rulebook."

"I'm going to have to find this rule book." Courtney answered, playing along.

"You aren't allowed to see it until you have kids of your own. Not for a while I hope. I'd support you anyway. That's not what this is about is it?"

"No, daddy. I've know. Done it." Courtney said, her face flushing red. "But...I wanted...want Jeremy to be my first. And I wanted to be his first. In everything. But then I was talking to Sharon a minute ago...and she said she already gave him a blowjob and, ah, diving lessons." Her face flushed more. She was more comfortable talking about things like this with her mother. She wanted her father to always think of her as a good girl. No impure thoughts. Illogical of course,'s what she felt.

"And so you can't be the first for those things with him. Did they go all the way?" Colin asked, rubbing his daughter's shoulder. He also was a little uncomfortable with the discussion, but only because it meant she wasn't 'daddy's little girl' anymore. Not really anyway.

"Sharon swears they didn't. But I don't know."

"Call Jeremy. Go to Jeremy. If it means that much to you it's something you have to know. Personally though, this is minor thing. She confessed. I'm guessing she feels guilty. And you cut her off. You owe each other apologies now. Friendships are something that shouldn't be wasted. You only have so many true friends. You can't waste them over petty things."

"But..." Courtney started, but her father hugged her tight, cutting her off. She always loved her father's hugs. While her mother's hugs were sweet and loving, her fathers just made her feel safe. Which is probably why she loved Jeremy. His hugs felt similar. Not identical, just similar. He hugged her and she felt every problem melt away.

"It's okay to be angry. She obviously didn't know your feelings. Unless you told people that you loved Jeremy."

"No...I...until this morning I wasn't sure. But for the most part, for the last month he's been the first thing I think about in the morning, and the last thing flitting through my mind at night. I dream about him. know. And how sweet he is know."

"Uh huh. My advice is to get it out in the open. And to apologize to Sharon for cutting her off like that. To the best of my knowledge neither of you have dated."

"Not officially I guess. For the past month or so we've been together a lot. I just never felt the need to make it 'official'. I just felt that it was inevitable."

Colin nodded at that, "And that is what your mother told me just after she broke off her engagement. That we were inevitable. But that is never the case. If one doesn't KNOW, one can't act. So my suggestion is, again, to call Jeremy. And you do NOT have to give me the details." Her father said with a wink.

Courtney smiled at her father as she got off his lap to let him up. Her father got up and walked back into the house, leaving Courtney standing there, staring at her cell phone.


Call Sharon or Jeremy?

          Jeremy beats her to it...


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